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Ask for help > How to get all my students ´attention?
How to get all my students ´attention?
How to get all my students ´attention?
I would like to share my concern about my students ´ indifference with you hoping you ´ll suggest some practical tips that would help me manage my class and finally get all my students involved in the lesson.
This is the problem:these days some of my students have become wilder and don ´t pay attention to my instructions and disturb the other students.I tried to use varied and interesting activities to motivate them but it wouldn ´t work.
would you please provide me with some practical tips or strategies to get these students back on track? |
24 Dec 2009
I don`t know if this will work, but it may be worth a try.
1. Do you have the phone numbers of your students? If yes, you can call their parents to report their bad behavior. This may enlist the parents`help and maybe the student will listen to his parent.
The next suggestion was presented at a training that I attended: 2. Make up award certificates. These are good behavior notes that say, "I am pleased to share with you that Johnny actively participated in class discussions and his work was exemplary." This positive feedback may please the parents who will praise their child and encourage. (Maybe other teachers also have other wording they can suggest).
3. Publish each student`s earned points on the bulletin board. Give the students points for class participation, test scores, homework scores, quiz scores, etc.
4. Place a jar on your desk. Each time you feel the class is participating well, put a marble in the jar. When the jar gets full, give the class a reward that they want (a party, an exemption from a quiz, drop their lowest test score, a trip to the library, etc.)
5. When the student misbehaves, write his name on the board. Each time he misbehaves again add a mark after his name. After he gets 3 marks, he has to stay after school in detention.
24 Dec 2009
Thanks redcamrocruiser for your tips. Just for the phone numbers.I don´t think the parents would like to get involved in such maize.They say they have a lot to do! It´s my business.
I ´m addressing other teachers if they have more tips to rectify my students ´misconduct.Thanks |
24 Dec 2009
I work with a very rough population and sometimes nothing works.
I will give you a silly trick that has worked hundreds of times.
I have teenageers but I have used it on all age groups.
Start a conversation with an imagionary person. Talk into the air agree and disagree. While you are having this conversation you will notice one by one the students stop talking and start staring at you.
If they didn ´t think you were nuts before they will now, as soon as you see that you have the classes attention stop the conversation with your invisible friend.
It works try it.
Kevin |
24 Dec 2009
I don`t know if you saw this thread. It is similar.
24 Dec 2009