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Spanish readers
Spanish readers
Hi all
I �m delighted to finally be back on the board after a manic year at college completing further studies. You would think that I learned my lesson but no, I �m going back again part-time to study a mathematics degree! :)
I am trying to brush up on my Spanish at the same time and I was wondering if any of our online Spanish colleagues would be able to recommend some readers for me.
I �m looking for something which is the same in concept as the Macmillan Reader Series. Graded readings.
The name of such a collection would be great. The rest I can take from there as once I have the name of what I �m looking for I can buy via amazon or ebay, second hand, whatever.
thanks a lot Sarah |
16 Aug 2010
This might be worth looking at.
16 Aug 2010
To practice Spanish I like bilingual books (that�s how I started to read in Spanish)
If you like poetry , there is
There is also:
Espa�a (Side by Side Bilingual Books) (English and Spanish Edition) - Paperback (June 11, 1999) by Genevieve Barlow and William Stivers |
17 Aug 2010
A few years ago I picked up a Spanish translation of a book I had enjoyed when I was younger and went through the Spanish and English versions simultaneously, page by page, while writing new words and phrases in a notebook. Then I made flashcards of the new vocab to keep in my purse, so I could go through them on the bus, waiting at the dentist �s office, on a walk, etc. I eventually worked my way up to reading Spanish novels I �d never read before without a dictionary or English translation. (I was SO proud of myself! )
It was a lot easier for me to find novels in English and Spanish versions than bilingual books. The process has really been helpful for me, especially with vocab and idioms...oh, and the dreaded subjunctive. It also, interestingly, has taught me a lot about translation, language learning, some cultural issues, and more. It doesn �t take long to learn the difference between good and poor translation.
Keep up your studies--it �s much better than spending your life in front of a TV or in a bar! Good luck!
17 Aug 2010
Do you have a local library?
Libraries here will supply LOTE (Languages Other Than English) books if you ask. You may be able to order some at the reading level you need. |
17 Aug 2010