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Hello, dear teachers! I hope you are all well...Have you already started school or are you getting closer? Well, in Romania we �ll start on the 13th of September, so we are busy with the preparations... But I have a question: do you celebrate The International Day of Languages in September? If yes, what are your plans? could we organize something to mark this event? last year some of us managed to do a very fruitful and interesting postcards about this year? what do you say/propose? is anyone interested? Waiting for your answers, Hugs
5 Sep 2010
Lina Ladybird
Hi, dear Denisa! :))
I searched the forum and found quite a few posts about the European Day of Languages, which might help you to find some more ideas for the celebration of your International Day of Languages. ;)
- Silke |
5 Sep 2010
Hi Denisa,
It �s great that you raised the topic because every year we try to mark the day with some activities.
This year I was thinking of setting up a website where we could publish students � essays / compositions / poems dedicated to languages (learning them, loving them, using them).
I was going to do it with the students of my school (taught by several teachers) but what if we make it international? What do you think? Any teachers who would like to participate?
5 Sep 2010
How about having them make ppts about their countries in English (with a short quiz in the end) - we could upload the ppts here, and also having them work on an international dictionary - we could have them say which phrases a teenager today wants to know how to say in many languages (let them suggest, and we can collect the treasure chest of vocabulary here) and then we can have them prepare a vocabulary list with pronunciation in their own language - we could limit the dictionary to 15-20 most useful phrases we all agree on. We could also have them perhaps perform a song - maybe a hit from their own country which they agree upon - partly in L1, partly in English and film it and then upload videos on youtube or facebook, so they could watch each other and comment...(wiht our control, naturally)... I �m rather new to facebooking, but there are those here who will know how we could perhaps organise it as an event and invite all teachers and sts to it using facebook?
PS: Nice to see you back, Denisa... |
5 Sep 2010
Stupid question but when exactly are those days celebrated, the International and the European I mean? Sophia
5 Sep 2010
Hi Denisa, yes my classes celebrate. Last year I "took inspiration" from ESLprintables, there are great ideas in our site.
Ciao |
5 Sep 2010
Hi, Denisa and all . Nice to see you.
5 Sep 2010
Olindalima ( F )
If you manage to go round this mulberry bush, please, I am on. Anita, your idea looks great, but I �ll need a bit more of explanation. My kids are almost beginners,10/11, let me know if you go forward. Hugs Linda
5 Sep 2010
Thanks, Linda. Well, if everyone agrees on doing sth like this, I guess we could ask Victor to have such a post on top for a couple of days. I suggest we all get our ideas here, and since it was all Denisa �s idea, perhaps she could save the post �s thread and work out the details (pm me if you want help) and create a thread. If it gets posted by Tuesday, we could perhaps have the thing organised by the weekend and done by the 20th perhaps??? I don �t know, just shooting ideas as they come to me - perhaps Silvanija would help more than me by organising - she did that great postcard project last year...
(As for my ppt idea, I was thinking we might settle on about 10 slides with fixed info - my country - size and people, the capital - pic and info, natural resources, beautiful places, fun stuff to do, national food, famous people, etc. and then about 3 slides with T/F tasks as a quiz or multiple choice How much do you remember... - having stuff fixed would help with all levels) |
5 Sep 2010
Anita the slides are a good idea. Do you mean to talk about the capital city in our own languages? Silvanija idea was 100% successful last year.
Count on me, please. |
5 Sep 2010
Well, dear friends, I knew I could count on you! Yes, Marianianna and Anita darling, Silvanja �s idea and organization last year was marvelous! so, we must do something at least as fun and beautiful as last year! whatever we �ll decide, with your creativity and resourcefulness I �m sure it �ll turn out great! I �m opened to any kind of project...let �s get started, girls(and maybe some boys!!) Hugs, Denisa
5 Sep 2010
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