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Make suggestions, report errors > WHY NOT .docx DOCUMENTS
Maria Isabel
Would it be possible that in the future we could start sendind documents with .docx extension? I�ve started working with Office 2007 because I think it gives me more possbilities of creating more attractive worksheets but when I tried to send what I�d done, there was a message telling me I couldn�t because it didn�t have the right extension. The thing is that I had to save my worksheet as a Word-2003 document but first it did not accept some formats of the other office, such as type of frames used, besides it a lot heavier (from 69 KB to 3,300 KB) than in the original a result of all this I had to cut and paste the images in the worksheets but in aniother format, which reduced the clarity of the pictures and so on...
I really don�t know anything about how to create a website that is why I�m asking if it were possible for you to let this kind of documents to be sent...
I also understand that if we send this kind of documents people who don�t have that version of office will not be able to open the files but maybe they could be clearly specified so that these people know what they can open or not...I don�t know it�s just an idea.
Maria Isabel
Mmmm, sorry another question? How can we send a private message to someone who no longer appears in the forum without using the outlook? My fist intention was to send you this message to your private inbox but I didn�t know how...sorry for that.
Maria Isabel |
1 Dec 2008
alien boy
Hi Maria Isabel
a ".docx" document is essentially similar to a zipped ".doc" file. In other words it�s really like having a compressed file, hence the main reason for the difference in file size. This may present a problem for viewing the uploaded worksheets. I�m no expert on the hosting/web/Flash viewability of these type of documents, so I am very curious about the response to your question!
For those of you who want to be able to open & edit the ".~x" documents and you currently use Office 2003 or 2000, please look at the following link:
If you use OpenOffice or StarOffice you should look at this link:
Kind regards,
B-) |
1 Dec 2008
Hello, Maria Isabel,
The main problem with .docx documents is the one that you say: that many users can�t use that format. Doc is useful for everybody.
You can reduce the size of your files with software like pptminimizer or the one that you can find here:
You can also use the option "compress files" included in microsoft word.
As for the other question, you can send a private message to anybody. Just go to your private messenger, click on send a message and write the username.
V�ctor |
1 Dec 2008