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Ask for help > Christmas vocab: bauble - bulb
Christmas vocab: bauble - bulb
Christmas vocab: bauble - bulb
Hi there,
I was wondering if there is a difference between a Christmas bulb and a Christmas bauble. Several dictionaries that I checked tell me that there is, so do �s product listings. Googling for Christmas bulbs shows pictures of baubles as well. I am confused, please clarify, if you can.
6 Dec 2010
Hi ReGiNa ! I �ve heard bauble is a british term ... am I right? That �d be the only difference, I guess ... Let �s see what others have to say ... |
6 Dec 2010
Hello! (Christmas) bauble is the British term for a colored ball used to decorate a Christmas tree (American English = Christmas ornament).
A bulb is the glass and wire part of a light or lamp. A Christmas bulb is one of the small, usually colored lights on a string of Christmas lights.
In America, we say Christmas ornaments and a string of Christmas lights, avoiding both terms unless we need to "replace or change a bulb" on the string of lights. =)
6 Dec 2010
Hi gofish, that was just the kind of answer I was looking for, thank you. I learnt the term "bauble" here on ESLprintables, I lived in the States for three years, Christmas ornament was what I knew. On ebay America they are selling Christmas baubles though, that surprised me when I saw it.
Warm regards to cold Ukraine
6 Dec 2010
Especially and exclusively for you, Alicia.
6 Dec 2010
I would also say that a bulb in the US is often electricor a bauble with an electric light in it - and a bauble is a glass bulb with no lights in them.
The dictionary says: A small, showy ornament of little value; a trinket.
I �ve often heard rich people say how they love their little baubles - when mentioning their expensive diamonds!! (meant ironically - of course)
6 Dec 2010
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I thought you �d forgotten me!! I knew it couldn �t be so ... even if my answer wasn �t all that clear ! - I �ve learnt, too! Thanks, LB and gofish! |
6 Dec 2010
Christmas balls is also used for baubles. |
6 Dec 2010
A christmas bulb can also refer to the round, glass, ball-shaped ornaments that are hung on the tree (not electrical). Ornaments are all the little baubles (Liberty �s definition) that are hung on the tree--not just the glass balls. <<US English>> |
6 Dec 2010
I had the same question last year
6 Dec 2010
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