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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the Day - Sitooterie
Word of the Day - Sitooterie
Word of the Day - Sitooterie
Today �s word of the day is SITOOTERIE
Make your own daffynitions please! No google, wikipedia please... The wittiest daffynition wins :-D
The end of the contest will be on Sunday 20:00 Spanish time.
11 Dec 2010
[email protected]
It �s Scottish English; since the smoking ban it �s come to mean the tables and chairs in front of a pub where people can relax and enjoy their �habit �.
11 Dec 2010
Well, it �s my first try, so...
It is obviously a word that comes from the times when the English conquered Menorca. In the Mediterranean coast it is easy to find a bench where old people sits and tells each other about their ails, they compare medicines and complain about the disaster of the Medical System. We call it the "banc del SI no fos" because they say: "If it wasn �t for this... If it wasn �t for that..."
That is a SITOOTERIE: A bench where old people wearing black hats and a cane complains about everything.
11 Dec 2010
Alexander Elwood is obviously close, but no haggis. Mariethe is half-way there, but no croissant.People from Edinburgh love to go into the centre during the International Festival, have a few pints and laugh at all the �odd fowk �. The weather is often nice enough to sit outside (ootside in Scots) but since most of the prime viewing spots have already been bought or rented by a strange tribe called �rich media whores �, the locals bring along their own chairs and, combining their already impenetrable accents (to a Glaswegian, at any rate) with their ancient, historical connection with France (The Auld Alliance), they have created little bunkers called �sitooteries �; that is places where they can sit ootside, et rient (and laugh) at the poor thespians on the street who only want to be loved and become very famous.
Hence, sitooterie: an alfresco place for drunken Edinburghers to laugh at non-Edinburghers.
11 Dec 2010
a sitooterie is a word that evolved from the early 1900s-sitootsieserie. People were too lazy to use all the syllables, so over time, they dropped a few. It was a place at a party where you could sit and rest your feet, or your tootsies, after a wild night of waltzing. It �s an aakward word, obviously coined by an American. |
12 Dec 2010
Sitooterie is the awkward silence after someone (to put it politely) sits down and passes gas. Sit - toot - er - ie - uh ... |
12 Dec 2010
moody moody
(or maybe not the akward silence after, but rather the situation itself, of someone passing gas while sitting down...)
12 Dec 2010
@MarietheHouse: so funny I like it
si - toote - rie is French for if toote can laugh (toote is a frog found in the city of Opelousas, Louisiana state)mmhh, interesting! Imagine if toote can laugh, what would the world be like?
12 Dec 2010