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Message board > WOD for Christmas Day December 25, 2010
WOD for Christmas Day December 25, 2010
WOD for Christmas Day December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas to all!!!! I �ve been chosen the winner of the WOD and this being Christmas eve (on the east coat of the States)I didn �t get the message until kinda late so I will post a word for Christmas day. I hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday and I will light a candle for those of our loved ones that can�t be with us at this time.
The new WOD is cachinnation. I hope that everyone on this great site has an opportunity to.... well I don�t want to give a hint as to the meaning. Remember no dictionary meanings and no googling Use your imagination and let it soar like Santa�s sleigh. Give us your best made up daffynition of cachinnation. And to all a good night. |
25 Dec 2010
2pm here - just finished Christmas lunch.
cachinnation is the act of hiding something precious in a secret cache, such as the last 3 rumballs left after lunch. ;-)
25 Dec 2010
Cachinnation is a process of looking (catch) for a cheap (ch) hotel (inn).
"In Paris after a long cachinnation we finally found what we �d been looking for." There is also a proverb: "If you �re out of cash, you have to cachinnate a lot".
25 Dec 2010
cachinnation is the national reserve each country has saved up for a rainy day! cash - in - nation
25 Dec 2010
Cachinnation is the fact that somebody has been caught red handed.
Yolanda |
25 Dec 2010
It �s a fisherman �s tale about what he �s caught - always leaves something to be desired, not quite what he says it is (hence the missing t in catchination)- you know how they always say the fish was this big and that long...
25 Dec 2010
Ok, here goes, hope you all bear with me! LOL!!! Just feel like being goofy today!
Cachinnation - in Spanish, you say someone is "cochino" either when he is a dirty, unclean person, or when he �s dirty as in horny (sorry about that!) so, I �d say after all the party and wine, someone can just give in to the CACHINNATION!!!!
25 Dec 2010
Cachinnation -
Ca - short for Canada
Chin - what is under mouth and close to your neck
nation - a group of people who share a culture and a language
A cachinnation is a chin salute that Canadians give one another after watching this commercial and drinking a couple of beers.
25 Dec 2010