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hello! i �ve found this great listeninng on about the internet - n�57 A click away. The pie team talk about how the Internet has changed their lives (3 Dec 09)
but I have to pay for membership if I want to look at the transcript... it �s not that I don �t want to pay for it, it �s more like "i will probably use listenings for this website once or twice and i don �t want to pay for several months..." see what I mean? If I could only pay for 1 month... but that �s not possible...
if one of you is a member, could you please send me the transcript? I really don �t need the exercises, i �ve already got the soundtrack - i �m going to transform it with audacity - and I could simply type the transcript, but it will take a long time and i �m pretty busy lately - lesson plans to prepare, new classes, evaluations to mark...
If one of you was kind enough to help me I would really appreciate and share with you anything you want!!! I hope i �m not doing anything against the rules - I know that transcript has a copyright, but I don �t want to publish it...
thank you very much for your help! have a nice day!!! Elodie
5 Feb 2011