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Message board > WOD 26/07/2011
WOD 26/07/2011
Mariethe House
WOD 26/07/2011
Thanks to Gloria and Sylvia for choosing me as the
winner. Today,, I am going to pick
an expression rather than a word, and see if we can get some fun daffynitions. Don �t use a dictionary, just your imagination This is another kettle of fish. I will announce the winner tomorrow night.
26 Jul 2011
Hi Mariethe, looking at the picture ,Kettle of fish is a lonely fish ou person ,very nervous because the weather is boiling hot! Am I right? |
26 Jul 2011
Kettle o fish as it is known in Coney Island in Brooklyn New York, is a a tasty concoction made similarly to Kettle Corn. Small bits of fish are fried in peanut oil and sprinkled with cinnamon and dipped in caramel . MMMM, yummy! |
26 Jul 2011
A kettle of fish, despite sounding like some kind of meal, is in fact a hat worn by people that live in or around the confines of the river Fish in the Irish Republic.
27 Jul 2011
it �s a metaphorical expression for something that is impossible, that does not exist. Just like a kettle with fish in it does not exist.
Like in: "Children who go to bed voluntarily without being sent, coerced, forced by their parents? A kettle of fish!" (Wish they existed...) "Men who don �t shirk marital discussions? A kettle of fish" (Never seen any.....) "An employer who offers a pay rise? A kettle of fish" (Always have to fight for one ...)
27 Jul 2011