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Message board > WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone help and tell me why my contribution about CELTA doesn �t appear.It �s written coming soon .WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? HELP PLEASE??????
12 Nov 2011
The same problem as you |
12 Nov 2011
The preview has been available for ...a long time. This IS ridiculous.
Where�s Ed ??? |
12 Nov 2011
Thanks a lot Adorable.BUT the problem is still How can anyone choose something unseen.I reuploaded it but the problem is still.Any way it is very useful as I think. |
12 Nov 2011
Dear Magda,
Please read the forum posts : I think there are many people - just like you - who cannot see the preview of their ws. There have been lots of messages on the Message Board - as a zero-pointer, I do not log in very often, but, I think people should really search the forum....
I know about the pbs people have been experiencing these days ...
i �m using Internet Explorer, & I can see your ws.
If I may, ... ( = I will! ), the title of your post struck me ...)
Why ??!!!!
Why are kids starving in so many countries - even mine!
Why are people suffering - when we could all share ??
Why are diseases spreading - when we know we have the medicine ??
But ... Why ...can �t I see my ws ? ... Don �t be so desperate, please, It �s ONLY a ws.
After all. ;-)))
Sending you lots of love,
Sylv �
12 Nov 2011
I agree that everyone should search the forum
so we�ll get much less messages on the same topic, but it has been this way and
I fear it�ll be the same way for good. Why I can�t get my points? What software
do you use to prepare your (gorgeous) worksheets? How can I download
worksheets? These and other questions will be always present on the forum, even
if we find them disturbing.
We�re doomed to read the same thing repeated
many times not only on this forum but on every forum we visit. Why can�t people
search before asking? Because there are too many threads, newbies sometimes
have problems searching before they get used to the site. And because it�s
easier and faster � and people prefer to save their time, even when they seem
to be wasting ours�
BTW, I deeply disagree about the importance of
the thread. We, human beings, have different levels of worry at different
times. I know how important it is to save children from starvation, but there�s
nothing I can do right now. Or I can do something but not exactly at this moment.
Or I can choose to do it later. Or I can just ignore it. Or I can think that
since there are plenty of people taking care of this important matter right
now, and no one but me to fix the problem of my worksheet, I have to take care
of it or nobody will.
I learned the hard way that things really
important for me or for the humanity as a whole don�t deserve a single second
of thoughts for someone else; or that something I may not consider as worthy of
a second thought is a case of life and death to someone.
Whenever taking part in a community we should
let our mind open not only to share but also to learn and understand the
13 Nov 2011
Hi I agree completly with Zailda. I �m not a new member and I wouldn �t know how to search and read old posts on the forum. Every time, someone ask for specific sites, I get my lists and post them. It takes as much time as to say: Search the forum or giving a link. |
13 Nov 2011
Thanks for all of you.I �ll make it short.I don �t visit the site everydayor even everyweek.So how can I know that others faced the same problem and it was dealt with. |
13 Nov 2011