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Can you help with meaning and synonyms for the highlighted sentences?

In 2004, when state and federal universities began implementing affirmative action policies, Brazil closed one chapter of its history and began another.

Sure, some argue that racial classification is too ambiguous, but the police seem to have little problem identifying who is black.

Brazil�s once dominant �myth of racial democracy,� made the contemplation, let alone implementation, of such policies impossible for most of the 20th century. Unlike the United States, Brazil�s post-slavery experience had not included deeply entrenched legal and social barriers. Nor had it included rigid racial identifications. Affirmative action policies were not needed, or so the reasoning went.

But sustained black activism and scholarship lead to closer scrutiny of economic and education outcomes. Like the U.S., race and class significantly overlap, where �brown� and �black� Brazilians are far more likely to attend substandard and underfinanced public secondary schools. Entry into Brazil�s university system is highly competitive, based solely on standardized test scores. Students at secondary public schools are usually not competitive, making evident the compounded disadvantage of race and class. Brazil�s controversial quota system directly addresses this problem by setting aside a certain percentage of seats for designated beneficiaries, based on race, and often including class background.

Today, debate turns on arguments about merit and racial identity. Some hold that the quota system violates meritocracy. But basing university admissions solely on high-stakes standardized tests, which significantly advantage test preparation, seems a dubious way of determining merit. Others argue that Brazil�s system of racial classification is too fluid and ambiguous: the problem of �who is black?�

However, the quotas are working, although not without complications. Some whites have claimed to be black in order to gain entry, but these cases are relatively few. Of much greater importance is the fact that Brazil�s public universities now have sizable black, brown and poor student populations. And as some affirmative action supporters point out, the police seem to have little trouble determining who is black.

26 Sep 2012      


Hi Mari,
The highlighted parts have been nominalised, they might be easier to understand if they are changed back to verb forms, like this:
       ...made it impossible to contemplate (think about) such policies, let alone implement them (make them happen).
       ...or this is the way they reasoned (thought about) it.
Hope this helps you :)

26 Sep 2012     


made the contemplation, let alone implementation, of such policies
Eu traduziria assim:
....n�o s� concordou , como tamb�m  implementou tais pol�ticas...
let alone = j� para n�o falar de..
or so the reasoning went.    ou assim era entendido/ ou assim se pensava
Espero ter trazido alguma "luz "�s suas d�vidas.
Um Abra�o

27 Sep 2012     


Pe�o desculpa, mas gostaria de fazer uma corre��o � tradu��o anterior:
" n�o s� n�o concordou,como tornou a sua implementa��o imposs�vel"

27 Sep 2012     


Ok, the first one highlighted I got.

A bit of problems here yet:

or so the reasoning went.

I would understand " the thinking died" is it correct? the idea of "went" as "died"?

If so, I didn �t understand "or so" in the sentence. What does it mean?

Can you give me synonyms for "or so" and "went"??


29 Sep 2012     



So refers to the  whole previous sentence. It does not mean that actions were not needed but

people kept thinking so.

So = dessa maneira
went= continuou

(Waiting for better opinions!)

30 Sep 2012