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WOD 28th / November
WOD 28th / November
Hi guys!!! Thanx elderberrywine for choosing my silly � �explanation � �. Here is a new challenge for you: floccinaucinihilipilification
The real meaning is: The act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant.BUT: we aren �t looking for the real meaning, try to find a crazy-silly-dead-funny explanation I �ll choose the winner on the 29th of november!!!
28 Nov 2012
It �s the latest technique to fill out wrinkles. It is actually best suited to filling lips, as the name suggests. It gives you the biggest poutiest lips, but it �s painful and it �s not cheap. Here �s the painful bit - they suck the fat out of your hips and inject it into your lips. |
28 Nov 2012
Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, not a very appetizing subject or word,
floccinaucinihillipillification (I �m sure nobody would notice if a couple of "i"s or "l"s got lost in this word) is:
.... the most tedious act of constantly having to pick dandruff and loose hair off your clothes and to admit to yourself that a change of the brand of shampoo you �ve been using for ages seems to be necessary
28 Nov 2012