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ESL forum > Message board > French pupils looking for penfriends    

French pupils looking for penfriends


French pupils looking for penfriends
Hi everyboy.
I am looking for  penfriends for my pupils for 3 groups of the same age. I �m teaching in a secondary school in Brittany in France.
Some of the oldest pupils have already had penfriends from Spain last year and Russia in the past and they relly enjoyed it. We exchange about 4 letters in the  year and a parcel too.The others - the youngest ones-none yet.
So I would like to find penfriends for 3 groups or classes. The  youngest pupils who  are twelve years  (born in 2005) consists of 2 classes : "5� B"(24 pupils) and "5�C"(23 pupils) with different levels of pupils but all enthusiastic.They have started English at primary school and have been learning it more intensively at secondary school for 2 years.The other group (the oldest) consists of 17 pupils (all volunteer to do it and good at English) who were born in 2003 and are in 2 different classes.
My pupils are also  learning either Spanish or German.
 We exchanged with a Spanish Teacher from Esl last year and it was really great but it wasn �t possible for her to do it this year.
So I �m looking for someone who would like to do this new exchange. Are you interested ?
Many thanks in advance for your answers!!!

12 Dec 2017      

United States

I would love to do this with my children. I am currently in China

12 Dec 2017     


good morning I �m teaching both levels  ( prep school and secondary ) and I would love to have my pupils enjoy this experience
I am from Tunisia by the way. 

13 Dec 2017     


I am a teacher from Vietnam. We have both group students. Please let me know if you still need penfriends for your students.
Thank you.

13 Dec 2017     


Hello .I am teaching English in a prep school.I would be pleased if my pupils could correspond with penfriends from France or other European countries.
Thanks in advance 

13 Dec 2017     


we are interested too, but what ages are your students?

14 Dec 2017