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Concerning worksheets > ..................................
13 Apr 2009
As a teaching assistant part of my job is to teach about culture (is it not a teacher �s job too?). This is where masks come in useful - to show kids the kinds of things we do for Halloween, rather than just telling them.
The activity also involves many instructions, which we always do in English, such as colour in, cut out, stick, attach, put it on, take it off etc. I usually find that in mask activities we also talk about the parts of he face - big nose, small eyes, purple hair etc. In fact for me the speaking opportunities in mask making are endless. So, sorry Silke but I have to disagree with you, masks are so much more than a flashcard (although I like flashcards too!).
Anyway, that �s just my opinion! Lx
edit: Sorry, but we Brits tend to say sorry all the time. Sorry about that! XXX
13 Apr 2009
alien boy
Surely the only way to ascertain whether any upload is an �ESL Resource � is to apply the standards that have been discussed and that are applied to everybody.
This would mean that it doesn�t matter whether it�s one of Victor�s or anyone else�s work - it comes down to how they are presented as documents for members. If there is no activity outlined then they don�t really fall into the current (seemingly agreed upon) criteria of a resource....
However, if there were information in the description that details an �ESL activity� then they would be ok. Is it really just enough to say �they can be used for a party� or should there be more information? If you judge Victor�s work by the same standards that are applied to everyone else, then there isn�t enough extra detail there...
Just a thought.
P.S. I really think masks are great because, for example, I can get the kids to write a story & make a play using the masks as a basis for the characters.
13 Apr 2009
Hi, the problem is not if a picture ( whatever kind it is) is useful or not. All the pictures are useful, even if there is nothing written. The problem is that the owner of the site has said over and over that only pictures are not allowed here. If it were possible to send only pictues or scanned flashcards, it would be endless. There are hundreds of sites where people can take frames, masks, flashcards. I tought the issue has been explained. But there are still people who won �t understand and bring the same issue up again and again. |
13 Apr 2009
Hi guys!
I do think that this site needs cleaning. There are a lot of useless Ws / ppts that take so much of the site �s space. The fact is that we DO want/need/are addicted to this site, don �t we? Isn �t it our duty to keep it going?
We don �t have to pay anything to be here, to get valuable and amazing ideas, Ws, ppts. The only thing that is required from us is GIVE, in order to take. Now, the �giving � has been a serious issue as long as some contributors do not take into consideration Rule Nr.1 of this site: upload your own work!
So, I agree with silke, alien boy, and s_lefevre that we should stick to the rules, even if that means deleting our own work! Have you taken a look at the least downloaded printables in each category...?? there are hundreds of Ws with 0 points, uploaded ages ago... It �s tiring for one person to go through all of them. That �s why Victor has asked for our help.
Have a peaceful day!
Gabitza |
13 Apr 2009
As I said before, A single flashcard would not be acceptable, but a set of flashcards (in a single document or a series of documents) would be OK. We all understand that flashcards are esl resources. Don �t we?
I think that anyone who teaches young children would understand that these masks are also ESL resources. I used them for role-plays in Halloween. Of course we can make role-plays without masks, but they are helpful to adopt an identity and to represent a British tradition.
Moreover, if I don �t remember wrong, some of those masks were drawn or redesigned by me.
Anyway, I believe that the voting system will put things in the right place. If most users say that it should be removed, I would have nothing to say. |
13 Apr 2009