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Concerning worksheets > SORRY, I DIDN´T DO IT ON PORPOUSE !!!!
Yesterday I was accused of stealing an image from the page mes-english and I want to apology because I didn�t know that the image had a copyright and that belonged to that page. i downloaded it from google and it hadn�t any copyright name written on it. In fact it wasn�t in mes-english where I founded it. i don�t remember the page name as you can understand since I download a lot of images everyday, and this in particular was one of my firsts ws that I published in this page. i had deleted it from the web and I made some modifications to upload again with some improvements.
I really feel sad with this situation since I am one of the teachers that has been fighting against stealing in this site. I want to tell you that I have deleted that ws, and add that the problem was only the picture, the rest of the ws was my pure work. Thanks and sorry!!!! |
16 Oct 2008
I don�t think you are to blame demeter... we all download stuff and sometimes from places, especially if we only use google images (like I do), not realising it has a copyright. Unfortunately, we have a very bad habit here of constantly pointing out anything that looks even remotely fishy without going straight to the owner of that worksheet or Victor himself.
It�s becoming a sad thing this accusing of one another here on the site. I understand that people steal and it�s not right... but honestly... there isn�t much that can be done that Victor isn�t already doing. And apart from banning IPs which is still not foolproof since all a person needs to do is log on on another computer and set up an account, we just need to report the stuff and have done with it. Not clog the board with this kind of stuff.
If people are going to be dishonest, then that is their problem. There are good and bad people everywhere and guess what? - That�s life, stuff happens and we have to stop nitpicking at each other, or fine tooth combing worksheets to see if "oh, this guys copied the same clipart as me - SO it HAS to be stolen!" This has got to stop, it makes for a very bad envirnoment (sp).
We should be praising worksheets, not taking them apart!
PS, if my tone sounds angry, I�m sorry... but I am just sort of fed up with people being accused for stuff. Just think how you would feel if, unknowingly, you took some clipart or even scanned part of an item to make an exercise and all of a sudden someone on the boards was screaming "Thief!" ... I�d sure as not like it and I think nor would you!
16 Oct 2008
Thanks for being supportive. That was exactly what I felt, I have never stolen anything in my whole life, and it was really shocking to find wetbeen my messages a big "Stolen". If the whole ws wasn�t mine i would accepted it, but the picture was the only part that I didn�t do, the rest was my work.
Thanks again Zora - f for understand my feelings. |
16 Oct 2008
My name is Mark Cox and I�m the owner of MES English. I reported the image as stolen from MES-E. I unfortunately have to come over here and check quite often for things from my site. That is actually Victor�s resposnsibility, not mine. If you see stolen materials, they should be reported immediately. You can�t scan pictures from books. You can�t take pictures from the net without permission. All images are copyright.
If a site gives you permission not simply to use but to republish (which is what you are doing here, publishing works) then you can use that image.
MES network does not offer that service. MES sites all clearly state at the bottom of every page:
"... You may not
redistribute, copy, modify, transfer, transmit, repackage, charge for
or sell any of the materials from this site. You may use photocopies
or printouts for the purposes of distributing them for free to your
students. ..."
I didn�t call you a thief, but simply listed the image as stolen from MES-E, which it was at some point it seems. You did all that any honest person could do. You recognized the mistake and removed the worksheet. Thanks!
You didn�t do it on purpose, so there�s no need to take offense. All I want is that printable off this site.
So, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
16 Oct 2008
I�m with you Zora. It�s just tiringsome. We are on this site because we like it, we create ws because we enjoy doing them and because we want to share ideas. There are cheaters everywhere, it�s annoying and unfair, but I don�t want to be in a "police mood" everytime I enter the site ( and I�ve been sometimes), and get angry all the time and feed that anger in the forum. I want to share experiences and ideas. I find it very upseting when someone uploads other people�s work ( I mean, cut and paste ), but all I can do is reporting it.That�s it. I�m very lax when it comes to take pics from the net, because you�re using them for educational purposes without getting any profit. I don�t think, Markcox, that this site is really publishing ( well , I don�t know if V�ctor is getting any profit, but he certainly deserves it) work, but since we are all quite far from each other the only way for us to" use photocopies or printouts for the purposes of distributing them for free to our students. ..." is taking them from this or other pages. Anyway, since you own "mes-english" site, you�re on your right to ask us not to use your materials in this page. Well, thanks everybody for being there and Happy Teacher�s Day!!
16 Oct 2008
Hello everybody, I�m new and I would like to ask you a question. If you take single pictures form the web and then rearrange them and create an exercise, adding questions or activities, is that ok??
happy teacher�s day!! i didn�t know about it :-) |
16 Oct 2008
antol - ask the site that has the images whether you can use the image and tell them that you plan to create teaching materials but be sure to include that you will also be posting your creation on another site (distributing the image.) If you get their permission, then you have nothing to worry about.
16 Oct 2008
I agree with Marta33
A legal point,
"... You may not redistribute, copy, modify, transfer, transmit, repackage, charge for or sell any of the materials from this site.� You may use photocopies or printouts for the purposes of distributing them for free to your students. ..."
You forgot the bit before which says...
"You are free to download any resource from this site as an end user and grants you an End User License�with the restriction that MES-English resources do not amount to greater than 50% of your curriculum or teaching materials"
We are not charging! �in fact we are distibuting them for free to our students! Is one image on a ws really 50% of the ws? if not can you put the ws back up please, it�s not mine, but now I want to download it. :)
Also as most of us use google search images, they are miniture representations of the images, not the images themselves, remember we�re all trying to keep the images as small as possible. �If there is a copyright infringement surely it is from google not us? �see the comment about "Panoramafreiheit". �If as in the example given, markcox has an issue with google then he can have those images removed from google image search. �His issue is with google not us, isn�t it? after all we obtain a thumbnail of the image displayed publically. �I just reread it, no offence to Markcox intended, it�s just that I feel he�s targetting the wrong people.
Just to show that it�s not just us having problems.
Here�s an interesting point:
"Panoramafreiheit, translated literally into English as�Freedom of Panorama�or�Panorama Freedom, is a provision in the�copyright�laws of�Germany�that permits taking pictures or creating other images (such as paintings) of buildings and sculptures which are permanently located in a�public place�without infringing any copyright that may subsist in such works, and to publish such images" Many countries have similar excepetions. �
Interesting that the recent ruling also occurred in Germany... Isn�t the internet a public place? Maybe that comment is for Google lawyers :). �Good luck.
Here�s another interesting point: "Fair use�is a doctrine in�United States copyright law�that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review"
This is probably google�s best argument, at least in the US and the UK.
These copyright laws are different in every country, does that depend on the location of the Webserver, or Victor�s site, or each teacher�s location? �I have no idea, but this problem, I think is google�s not ours as the images were taken from their reproductions. �To have a go at us for using these images for teaching is missing the wider issue with google (or another image browser)
All Quoted texts were taken by using Google web search, �The quote in bold taken from a previous forum entry by markcox. �If these also represent a copyright infringment, I sincerely apologise.
21 Oct 2008
Kevin - here�s a quote from Google Image search "Image may be scaled down and subject to copyright."
No image from MES is indexed in Google without a MES logo - (However, even images obtained from Google Image search are still subject
to copyright. Google is simply guiding you to where the image is
located. They aren�t providing the image to you.)
So, the only way to get an image from MES English is to steal one directly from the site resources, but again, how the image is obtained is of little consequence.
Here is the full End User License agreement and note that it refers to site users as �end users�
MES End User License
You are free to download any
resource from these sites as an end user and MES grants you an
End User License with the restriction that MES resources do not
amount to greater than 50% of your curriculum or teaching materials. You may not redistribute, copy, modify,
transfer, transmit, reengineer, repackage, create other works from, or sell any of the
content from this
site. You may use photocopies or printouts for the purposes of
distributing them to your students. MES reserves the
right to terminate this agreement for any or no reason and without notice.
That means:
- You may make printouts or
photocopies for the purpose of distributing them to your students.
- You may keep one printed hard
copy for your sole personal use.
Here are some examples of what
you can�t do with these resources (resources mean any MES
content) but they are not
inclusive. If you don�t see it in the above �you may� section, you
can�t do it.
- You can�t charge for
these resources in any way. Not for paper! Not for ink! Not
for anything!
- You can�t scan or copy
any image to make your own worksheets or materials.
- You can�t include these
resources with any collection.
- You can�t cover,
remove, alter, or change any part of the resource including the
MES-English brandings.
- You can�t use any part
or portion of the resource to create other worksheets or resources.
- You can�t pass on the
resources to any person other than your students.
- You can�t back up any
resource in any digital form (no floppies, CDs, DVDs, memory
disks... )
If you need any part or portion of that explained, I�ll be happy to help.
22 Oct 2008