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English worksheets  > contributions by colejap


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Points: 329


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Online exercises

Downtown, Petula Clark
4 different tasks from the dong "Downtown" from Petula Clark. One fill in activity while listening to the song, two vocabulary activities and one last activity about Petula Clark, with a short text from Wikipedia about her.
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3

Tuttifrutti game
This is a game I do with the Japanese children on 5th and 6th grade every class on the last 5 minutes. I give them every week a letter and they have to find words for the categories starting with that letter. We check it together, if different children wrote the same word, they get 10 points, if there is only one student who got a word, he or she g...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: others
Downloads: 3

"my trip to" presentations ppt
students prepare, individually, a power point presentation about one trip they have done. they get to put into practice the irregular past verbs (such as i drank, i ate, i went by). they enojoyed a lot, as they could show to the rest of the classmates their own pictures and talk about their own experiences.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 2

We wish it could be Christmas everyday
Good Christmas carrol to work with children.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2

Santa Claus is coming to Town
Fill in activity for the Christmas carrol "Santa Claus is coming to Town"
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2

Present Simple worksheet
Activities for working on the Present Simple, focusing on the use of the -S on 3rd person, working on animas descriptions (a penguin lives in the ocean, It eats fish...)
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2

A worksheet to practice the verb to Be in Past Tense simple in contrast to the Present tense.
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2

Rockin� around the Christmas Tree
A fill-in activity for the christmas carrol "Rockin� around the Christmas Tree". I did it with 6th graders at the elementary school and they enojoyed a lot the rythm.
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 1

Personal information
Children work on questions and answers about their personal information.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-12
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 0