A set of 6 flashcards to use comparatives
The 1st set of 6 flashcards to motivate your students and make them speak about subjects they like or love...
I hope you�ll find it useful...
The 2nd set will complete this first one...
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 32
A set of six flashcards about weekend activities
A set of six flashcards about weekend activities: run, visit my grandparents, see my friends, play video games, ride my bike and do my homework. Hope you�ll like them!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 29
Expressing tastes board game
A very funny board game to revise about activities/hobbies and about tastes!!!! Enjoy and have fun!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Type: others
Downloads: 26
Present Perfect Battleships
A nice pairwork to memorize the present perfect tense!!!! Speaking activity...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 18
What do you do to help at home?
I hope it�ll be useful... to make them learn and speak about what they do to help at home!!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 16
What are these people going to do this weekend?
Use of the form "be going to + infinitive" and vocab about activities
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 13
Cooking utensils wordsearch
Use the pictionary to complete this wordsearch... Hope you�re students will have fun with it!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 11-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 13
Pairwork - Actor and Director
Make your students speak with this pairwork worksheet - Use of simple past and present perfect in questions and answers about the film director, Tim Burton and the actor, Heath Ledger.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 7
Flashcards - JOBS
A set of five flashcards about jobs - an illustrator, a nurse, a shop assistant, a teacher and a film director. Hope you�ll find them useful!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 7