Learn about Mark Zuckerberg
learn about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook...either the teacher presents them and kids take notes and then it�s the kids turn with the help of the powerpoint to present them. Or you can also have them do reserach first...hope you like it...pictures from the Web..hope they are OK. If not, it�s not on p...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-100
Downloads: 18
Bollywood cinema
students can through this powerpoint learn a bit about Bollywood cinema...there are some pictures in it, I do hope they are all OK? It was done with students, and I didn�t check everything...hope you like it. At the end, you can maybe include a link to some extracts from Indian movies...my students ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 18
Going shopping
going shopping - practice a dialogue (it can be read to the students) - they try to fill in the gaps, there is an anticipation activity (comes from a book we use in France - I hope it�s OK...I adapted for the students� needs...)then they practice reading with intonation etc. Hope it�s helpful, my st...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 17
Thanksgiving - past and present (part 2)
having studied part 1- here is a typical menu and two slides for talking and writing activity; enjoy :-)
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Downloads: 17
Learn about Churchill
learn about churchill, some infomation provided, pictures from the Internet in the hope they are OK (if not, it�s not intentionnally)you can get children to say what they know about him already and describe the pictures and the man and make a research about him and make a quiz at the end. Hope you f...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 17
Thanksgiving - a presentation of this American holiday
This Powerpoint on the famous american holiday - was done with my students who loved the creative part of it (pictures from the Internet, hope it�s OK....) thanks and have a good day
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 14
clothes and adjectives
ss learn clothes, and where to place an adjective and in whixch order if there is more than one.
I can�t remember if I am at the origin of the original layout, as I had this in my lessons and with collegues we adapted it to our ss needs. The ss found it very helpful, hope yours� will too :-)
If th...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 14
the weather rap - part 2
second part of the weather rap....hope you find it useful...my students loved the idea :-)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 14
Taj Mahal
expos� on the Taj Mahal - done with my students, so I hope all the pictures are OK...I didn�t have time to check them in detail...but I know it�s really well done...hope it�s useful to you :-)
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-100
Downloads: 14
Learn about the origins of Thanksgiving (study two paintings)
ss learn all about Thanksgiving thanks to the detailed study in class of two paintings.
One is an old one, depiciting the first Thanksgiving and the other one the famous Norman Rockwell painting �Freedom from Wnat�
(both paintings come from the web...hope it�s OK)
Hope you find it useful. Bye and...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 12