7 pages/20 exercises ADVANCED grammar Part 3
*Prepositions of time (page1) *Prepositions of transport (page1) *Prepositions in addresses (page1) *Dependent prepositions (page1) * Article "the" with certain nouns (page 2)*Modal verbs of probability (page 3) *Relative clauses (page3)*Have something done (causatives) (page 3) *Gerunds and infinitives (page 4) *Would and used to (page 4)*Tenses (...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 173
Grammar from A to Z Conditionals (mixed inter alia) (19-25)
This is a new series meant for students to check or to revise how much of grammar "remained in their heads" after summer vacation :) I will upload other parts in due course.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 173
4 pages, 6 exercises to teach, revise DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS
Material is worked out so that ss are able to remember as many prepositions as possible.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 170
5 pages Teaching Tenses using Topics for conversation KEY included
This material consits of 5 pages and provides 5 exercises and a KEY. Each of the exercises is written to cover one of the conversational TOPICS. (Present Past Future Tenses/Simple/Perfect/Gerunds/Conditionals/Prepositions). After Grammar Exercises ss are offered to write on the topics themselves.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 169
Passive voice for beginners 4 exercises/43 sentences with KEY
This material consits of 3 pages and provides 4 exercises/ 43 sentences for ss who have just started to study Passive voice. KEY is also provided. Each Exercises has a table to explain the formation of Passive voice in relevant tense. First exercise- Present Simple Second- Past Simple Third - Future Simple. The last exercise Present?Past/Future ten...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 169
11 pages of exercises on COMPLEX SUBJECT and other advanced grammar KEY included
I searched for ws on Complex Subject the other day and found only One. This material provides exercises on: complex subject, modal verbs of probability and deduction, have something done with explaination table, dependant prepositions, stative verbs, gerunds, and exam patterns.
Level: advanced
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 168
Used to do smth/ get used to doing smth/ be used to doing smth
As many teachers would probably agree with me there is too few materials covering this grammar topic.
This material consists of Theory - grammar explaination, formation table and exercise. 3 pages.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 167
Grammar from A to Z Reported Speech (16-25)
This is a new series meant for students to check or to revise how much of grammar "remained in their heads" after summer vacation :) I will upload other parts in due course.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 166
6 pages/14 exercises/ 123 sentences Advanced Grammar in Use
1-Modal verbs of probability, 2- Idioms, 3- Have something done & Have somebody do, 4- Perfect infinitive, 5- Tenses (Active, Passive, Gerunds and Infinitive), 6- Relative clauses, 7- Zero article with nouns (CHURCH PRISON HOSPITALWORKHOSPITAL), 8-Rephrasing, 9- Vocabulary booster, 10- Using new vocabulary, 11- would& used to, 12- used to & get use...
Level: advanced
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 165
5 pages/5 exercises DETAILED MATERIAL preparation for FCE including the KEY
Dear Colegues,
Those of you who prepare your students for exams know that ss most often choose the answer using �intuition" rather than knowledge. This is the firts part of forthcoming set. This material will help you to give ss KNOWLEDGE, not train a misterious "intuition".
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 163