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English worksheets  > contributions by Matthew@ELSP


The author

Matthew Standley

I live and teach in Japan. I hope you find my print-outs useful. Have a good day :)

Points: 6874


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Online exercises

Past simple Q+A with [too / either / neither ]
(1) Ss practice the intro� conversations with the teacher. (2) Teacher emphasises that "too" is for 2 postives / "either/neither" is for 2 negatives, using the examples. (3) Ss do a short "too/either/neither" (or nothing) gap-fill. (4) Ss do a classmates-interview. PAGE 1: Intro, practice, gap-fill. PAGE 2: Interview activity. A4 colour, OK in B&W....
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 30

DIRECTIONS - Conversations and maps - lower intermediate level (street) map 2
I use this with 12 and 13 year-old students in big classes in middle school in Japan. PAGE 1: blank map with letters. PAGES 2&3: map A and map B. PAGES 4&5: activity cards A and B. PAGE 6: Four example conversations. PAGES 7-10: Place-name cards - I use these on a poster-sized version of the blank map. A4 editable (all art-work is simple groups of ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 30

Food - Hamburger shop menu and flashcards
Updated: 2011-Nov-11. Hamburger shop menu and flashcards, prices in dollars and cents. Contents: chicken burger; hamburger; sausage muffin; large and small French fries; large and small shake, cola, tea and coffee. Colour. A4. Editable. Please enjoy.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 29

Past continuous (past progressive) 1
(1) Teacher and Ss practice present continuous then past continuous with the flashcards (link below). (2) Teacher and Ss do practice past continuous with time, using page 1. (3) Ss do a fill-the-gap activity, referring to the top of page 1, and the teacher can check the answers as a whole class. (4) Ss play a game of bingo. Ss circle 1 of 4 activit...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 28

ADJECTIVES - Big Small Long Short
Worksheet to use after practicing "big / small / long / short". Students circle the correct word, next to a picture, then write that word on the underline, to complete a very short sentence. Students can then read and/or repeat the sentences. ________Flashcards__________Big_Small_Long_Short___________ http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.as...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 28

Reported Speech Simple Starter (3)
Simple reported speech reading comprehension. Ss read a conversation that takes place in a restaurant, then answer questions and re-word sentences. Based on my exercises 1 and 2 of the same name. (Mixed exercise to summarise exercises 1 and 2. So it�s present simple into past simple and past simple into past perfect). A4 fully editable. Please comm...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: grammar-guide
Downloads: 27

Reading: Can you eat a whole lime?
Upper-intermediate to advanced level reading. Story: One day I took a bet to eat a whole lime when I was drunk. True story. Made for ESLP. (P1) Reading (P2) Questions (P3) Activity (P4) Grammar and vocabulary notes for the student (P5) Teacher�s notes. Editable A4. Please enjoy.
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 27

A volcano is dangerous (not safe). Using "is" and "is not" with adjectives.
(1) Teacher and Ss do the example conversations and intro� the idea of "is" and "is not". (2) Ss look at the [opposites] examples. (3) Ss do a short gap-fill activity. (4) Ss do an interview-style game in groups or individually (suggestions included in the file). PAGE 1: Intro� conversations, practice examples, gap-fill. PAGE 2: Interview/game acti...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 27

Parts of the body - Fighting Fingers
Fighting Fingers Game. Part of my sets keyed to New Horizon Elementary, a 2021 primary/elementary school English textbook for Japan. Game-play: Two players. One starts at each end. Say today�s English (Example: This is my ___.) while moving your finger one space at a time. When the two players� fingers meet, they stop and do Rock Scissors Pa...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-100
Downloads: 27

Numbers game-board (A3 colour)
Simple boardgame. Numbers practice. Students roll the dice 4 times to determine how much money they have, then they say how much and move their game marker along toward the goal. Explanation/suggestion on page 2. A3 colour editable. Please enjoy.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 26


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