Game - Personal Pronouns
A bird brings a banner with a sentence, where there are underlined words. The underlined words have to be substituted for the right pronoun. Click the cloud with the right pronoun and a dart hits the cloud. If you click the wrong pronoun, the cloud disappears.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 526
Game - New Year�s Resolutions
Choose the correct words to complete the blanks. Ss practice future tense; verbs+ing.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 293
Quiz people description: Appearance & clothes Part 1/3
This is my first interactive ppt game. It is a kind of jeopardy and has 39 slides. Because of the size I had to divide it into 3 parts. See also parts 2 and 3. The instructions as how to play are on the last slide (number 39). My Ss loved it. Hope you and your Ss also have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 231
Knock, knock! What are you doing Santa? PART 1
Ss practice present continuous. In all slides you can hear the "knock, knock" sound. Sorry I had to split it because of the size. Thanks to Gabitza�s amazing ppt tutorial, I developed this ppt. Thanks Gabitza. Btw, the "OK" was taken from Gabitza�s ppt, with her approval. See also PART 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 214
Knock, Knock, Bunny! What are you doing? PART 1
A game to practice present continuous. Sts see a picture and have to say what the bunny is doing. I had to split it because of the size. Total 13 slides. I hope you have fun! See also PART 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 184
Knock, knock! What are you doing Santa? PART 2
Ss practice present continuous. In all slides you can hear the "knock, knock" sound. Sorry I had to split it because of the size. Thanks to Gabitza�s amazing ppt tutorial, I developed this ppt. Thanks Gabitza. Btw, the "OK" was taken from Gabitza�s ppt, with her approval. See also PART 1.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 181
JEOPARDY 1/2: Can you? Grammar; People; Places
This jeopardy has a total of 20 slides. Sorry, I had to split it into 2. This is part 1, see also part 2. The game is simple to play. Divide the class into 4 0r 5 groups. The groups can choose any question, there is not a definite route to follow. If the group does not know the answer, other group c...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 171
Quiz People description: appearence & Clothes Part 2/3
This is my first interactive ppt game. It is a kind of jeopardy and has 39 slides. Because of the size I had to divide it into 3 parts. See also parts 1 and 3. The instructions as how to play are on the last slide (number 39). My Ss loved it. Hope you and your Ss also have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 159
GAME: Help the monkey eat the banana
The goal is to bring the monkey (animated/jumping) to eat the banana. A set of questions/answers and instructions are included. Divide the class into 5 teams. Each team is asked a question (see the slide �questions�). If their answer is correct, click the team�s color button to move their monkey. 6 ...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 140
Game- Opposite Friends
Interactive game about opposites. An adjective comes in and the Ss have to choose the correct opposite from the boxes above.
Instructions: 1. As a warm-up activity, you can give each student a copy of slide 9: �Unscramble the Opposites�.
2. Divide the class into 2 Teams and play the game. Give so...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 132