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English worksheets  > contributions by lore_p28


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Points: 122


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Online exercises

How to write a paragraph
This is a useful guide that help students to understand how to write a clear and coherent paragraph in their writing activities
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-12
Type: others
Downloads: 61

Comparatives and superlatives
I created this material to practice comparative and superlative form with kids.I had to create the questions using only simple present and past, because my kids have not seen perfect tenses. I hope you find it useful.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3


How are this organs called?
This power point contains material to develop speaking practice and new vocabulary acquisition in the students. I created this activity as a kind of conversation class, where students work and explore new vocabulary and compete in teams to challenge each others to know how much they know about gener...

Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Downloads: 58

Found 0 online exercises