Where is the worm? ordinal numbers game with sound
Game on ordinal numbers (1-10)with sound. Children have to guess where the worm is by clicking on the words on the right. Hope you enjoy it.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Downloads: 108
There is some/there isn�t any, there are some/there aren�t any (spot the difference)
A PowerPoint to use the expressions "there is some", "there isn�t any", "there are some" and "there aren�t any" in a fun way. Students have to write or say the difference between two pictures. To see the correct answer, click on the magnifying glass in the bottom right corner.
You can check my ot...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 459
There is some/there isn�t any (spot the difference)
A PowerPoint to introduce the expressions "there is some" and "there isn�t any" with some uncountable names in a fun way. Students have to write or say the difference between two pictures. To see the correct answer, click on the magnifying glass in the bottom left corner.
Check my other ppt on ther...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 319
Food on the farm (spot the difference)
A PowerPoint to introduce food on the farm and the expressions "there are some" and "there aren�t any" in a fun way.
Students have to write or say the difference between two pictures. To see the correct answer, click on the magnifying glass in the bottom right corner.
You can also review how plura...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 155
superlatives and world interesting places (last part)
Powerpoint on superlatives and some interesting facts about places in the world. Teacher asks students the question in the bottom-right corner: Where is�? Students try to guess by saying the continents: Is it in Europe? Then, they click on the red dot in the continent they said and wait to see if th...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 169
Superlatives and world interesting places part 4
Powerpoint on superlatives and some interesting facts about places in the world. Teacher asks students the question in the bottom-right corner: Where is�? Students try to guess by saying the continents: Is it in Europe? Then, they click on the red dot in the continent they said and wait to see if th...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 159
Superlatives and world interesting places part 3
Powerpoint on superlatives and some interesting facts about places in the world.
Teacher asks students the question in the bottom-right corner: Where is�?
Students try to guess by saying the continents: Is it in Europe? Then, they click on the red dot in the continent they said and wait to see i...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 240
Superlatives and world interesting places part 2
Powerpoint on superlatives and some interesting facts about places in the world.
Teacher asks students the question in the bottom-right corner: Where is�?
Students try to guess by saying the continents: Is it in Europe? Then, they click on the red dot in the continent they said and wait to see i...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 239
Superlatives and world interesting places part 1
Powerpoint on superlatives and some interesting facts about places in the world.
Teacher asks students the question in the bottom-right corner: Where is�?
Students try to guess by saying the continents: Is it in Europe? Then, they click on the red dot in the continent they said and wait to see i...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 297
Numbers 11-20 with sound
Numbers 11-20 with sound. I made it for a student with special needs but it can be used with any student who is learning numbers
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 99