Video time! STRANGERS ON A TRAIN by Alfred HITCHCOCK _ Extract # 3 (18 tasks, 11 pages, KEY included)
HI! Here is a new worksheet in my "video time" series: COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO PROJECT based on Strangers on a train. Third part (30 to 45 minutes). Multi-task, multi-skill project: with VOCABULARY expansion, warming-up activities, viewing tasks & final tasks (including writing & presentations). HIH! Have a great weekend! Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 23
Video time! GATTACA (Extract # 2): COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT (8 PAGES, 25 TASKS) ( Complete ANSWER KEY)
HI! Here is a new worksheet in my "video time" series.The layout is by my creative friend: NEBAL. COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO PROJECT based on GATTACA. 2nd part ( from 15 to 30 minutes). Multi-task, multi-skill project: with VOCABULARY expansion, warming-up activities, viewing tasks & final tasks (including writing & presentations). HIH! Have a great weeke...
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 61
Video time_GATTACA (Extract # 1): COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT (14PAGES, 40 TASKS) ( Complete ANSWER KEY)
HI! Here is a new worksheet in my "video time" series:but this time it was entirely embellished by my creative friend: NEBAL. COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO PROJECT based on GATTACA. 1st part (15 first minutes). Multi-task, multi-skill project: with VOCABULARY expansion, warming-up activities, viewing tasks & final tasks (including writing & presentations). H...
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 63
Gattaca _ FILM WEBQUEST (5 pages, KEY included)
Hi!!! Here is a webquest about gattaca by Andrew Niccol. It was completely revised & decorated by NEBAL; Thanks so much dear creative friend!!!!!!!
I hope you find it useful! Have a great week! Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 67
STRANGERS ON A TRAIN _ MYSTERY VOCABULARY & Comprehension questions (4 pages, key included)
Hi!!!Another movie time worksheet: based on Strangers on a train by Hitchcock. Detective vocabulary expasnion (matching exercise) & comprehension questions (beginning of the film). HIH! Have a great Sunday!!!! Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 24
FANTASY WEBQUEST (14 questions, 4 pages, including comprehensive KEY).
Hi!!! Another webquest. HIH! Have a great weekend!!!! :) Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 29
Video time _ STRANGERS ON A TRAIN by Alfred HITCHCOCK _ Extract #2 (23 tasks, 13 pages, KEY included)
HI! Here is a new worksheet in my "video time" series: COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO PROJECT based on Strangers on a train. Second part (15 to 30 1st minutes). Multi-task, multi-skill project: with VOCABULARY expansion, warming-up activities, viewing tasks & final tasks (including writing & presentations). HIH! Have a great Thursday! Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 27
Video time _ STRANGERS ON A TRAIN by Alfred HITCHCOCK _ Extract #1 (33 tasks, 12 pages, KEY included)
HI! Here is a new worksheet in my "video time" series: COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO PROJECT based on Strangers on a train. First part (1st 15 minutes). Multi-task, multi-skill project: with VOCABULARY expansion, warming-up activities, viewing tasks & final tasks (including writing & presentations). HIH! Have a great Wednesday! Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 46
STRANGERS ON A TRAIN -by Hitchcock- FILM WEBQUEST (6 pages, KEY included)
Hi!!! Here is a webquest about Strangers on a train by Hitchcock. I hope you find it useful! Have a great week! Monty :)
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 24
Bowling for Columbine WEBQUEST (5 pages, comprehensive project & KEY)
Hi!!! Here is a webquest about Bowling for Columbine, the Second Amendment, Michael Moore & the NRA. I hope you find it useful! Have a great weekend! Monty :)
Level: advanced
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 54