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English worksheets  > contributions by MarionG


The author

Marion Wilbers

Hi, my name is Marion. I�m from Holland but I�ve been living and teaching in Israel for some years now. This website - and its warm, wonderful community of contributors - is a true gift. I hope you find my contributions as useful as I do yours.

Points: 22121


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Online exercises

guided describe a monster�s appearance and abilities page
Another sheet to teach my students how to describe a monster. Body parts vocabulary and basic verbs are given so they can focus on sentence structure such as the order of adjectives etc. hope it is useful for some, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 97

past tense of the verb to be, different exercises and grammar guide
Complete review of the verb to be in past simple. It starts with a grammar guide for all forms; affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers. Different exercises include choosing was or were, wasn�t or weren�t, give short answers and form questions. Theme is fairy tales, the sentences are about a poor king and queen, an ugly but happy pr...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 430

review of clothes, feelings, colors and numbers
short text decribing a boy and especially what he is wearing, with comprehension questions at a basic level, some numbers, colors, and feelings review. We add this to out evaluations in the middle of the year to give the parents an idea of the kind of things we do in class. It is fully editable so you can also take only those parts you find useful,...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 106

to have grammar exercises with school items.
Practice do you have/does he have as well as have/has. Vocabulary relates to what we have in our school bag. It is fully editable. I used my students� names but those can be easily changed. Hope it is useful for someone, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 177

reading comprehension with clothes (2 pages)
Practice reading with focus on clothes, colors and pets. Some very basic exercises: A: read description and find out neames, B: color according to description C; give short answers, who has/who is wearing D; true or false Hope you like it, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 127

the fox (what did the fox say) song by Ylvis (2 pages)
Just a silly sheet I wanted to use as a bonus after reading about a lot of different animals while studying present simple. It has full lyrics to the very popular song on one page and different exercises on the other. A> match animals sound to animal, 2> basic present simple exercise, 3>word search with words from the song. Hope it�s useful for so...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: others
Downloads: 29

read numbers up to 26 to break the code
students need to read the number words (up to 26 of course) to find the corresponding letter. They find words which they later match to a picture. the words are mainly short a, short o, and short i words. Hope you like it, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 84

feelings board game with score cards
students can start anywhere they want on the board, they throw a die and go to the corresponding square. They read the situation and decide which feeling is appropriate. If the feeling is on their list (each list is for three players, there are four different lists) they tick it off. The first to fill his list wins. Some feelings appear a few times...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Type: others
Downloads: 178

practice present simple with 3 different Pixar short movies
I desperately needed something new to practice the present simple. I made three different exercises for three different short Pixar movies (youtube links provided): For the birds, (conjugate the verbs in the story and watch the story to find out the end)Lifted (multiple choice, choose the sentence with the correct spelling and form), and La Luna Ch...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 139

questions in Present Simple, guide and exercises
This very basic worksheet starts with a guide on how to form questions in present simple. There are 3 different exercises; 1. make questions from words given, 2. write the questions for answers given, 3. write question for the answers given using question words. There is enough space for students to wite comfortably on the page itself. BW for easy ...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 506


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