English worksheets > contributions by bmcq
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Barbara McQueen
3 decades of mentoring fellow teachers one-on-one, through in-services, as an ESL teacher trainer for Oxford Seminars, and as a conference presenter for TESOL, the VWBPE, SLanguages, and MachinEVO. Currently developing and delivering immersive online ESL courses in the virtual world known as Second Life that make use of situational role-playing, games, mysteries, machinima, and special events.
Points: 1035
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Common Note-Taking Shortcuts and Practice
Students need practice taking notes. Too often they try to write down every word, they don�t use enough abbreviations, and they don�t interact to what they�re hearing while they are listening. So here is a list of many note-taking shortcuts and an efficient notetaking form, plus my notes on a practice mini-lecture I give on the differences between...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 12
Expressing Anger Lesson Plan
A lesson plan on anger and all the resources you need to teach it. Includes an interesting short story, a funny newspaper article, roleplay prompts, a simulation to show how easily serious misunderstandings can occur, and homework assignments.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 30
Affix Dominoes
Expanding students vocabulary is not simply a process of teaching them new words. You also need to teach word roots and affixes (both prefixes and suffixes.) Learning what affixes and roots mean and which affixes and roots can be joined enables students to understand words they never studied. My affix dominoes game will increase students familia...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 11
Five Types of Persuasion
You can tell students to vary the types of persuasion they use in essays, but they often get in ruts or simply don�t quite understand. So I find it useful to take one topic and give them five paragraphs on it, with each paragraph representing a different type of persuasion. On this handout, I�ve done that on the topic of imposing a teen curfew.
Level: advanced
Age: 12-100
Type: article
Downloads: 32
Ideas for Giving Game Instructions to Beginners
How do you get beginners to do or understand anything? You must mime and draw and emote. But most teachers, especially new teachers, talk a lot, and too often all that the students hear is a very frustrating, "Blah, blah, blah." Here�s an example of how to get very low beginners to understand the vocabulary term "game" and actually play a game--Pic...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-100
Type: article
Downloads: 23
Graphic Organizers to Help Students Summarize
Many people have trouble summarizing succinctly. Story hands and story maps can help solve this problem. I�ve included blanks of these graphic organizers that students can fill in, and I�ve also filled out one of each of the organizers for the story "The Three Little Pigs." These organizers can also be used as quick quizzes on stories that your stu...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 23
Intonation Practice
A handout to walk students through making recordings that help them understand how stress and emotion can change the meaning of a sentence.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5
Square Puzzles for Noun/Verb Pairs and Idioms and Their Definitions
Print and cut apart one of each puzzle for every 2-3 students. Start the students with the noun/verb puzzle to get the students used to how this type of puzzle works. Suggest they work with the corner and edge pieces first like many of us tackle jigsaw puzzles. Circulate around the classroom a lot, especially with the first puzzle they do to make...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 8
Blank Story Board with Lord of the Flies Example
To help students learn to pull the most important events out of story or prepare to write their own stories, story boards are quite useful. Here is a blank story board and a completed example for the book The Lord of the Flies. On the example, I limited my drawings to stick figures so the students see this is something they are capable of.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 81
COIK Lesson
COIK stands for "Clear Only If Known" which is, unfortunately, how many of us feel when someone gives us poor directions and then says, "You can�t miss it." To improve my students� direction-giving abilities, I tell them they must defuse a bomb by phone. I put the students back-to-back, and the expert who is supposedly on the other side of the ci...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 13