end-of-term test 1 4th formers
an overall test 1 for tech. 4th formers in Tunisian schools
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 75
end-of-term test 1 4th formers
overall test that deals with topics dealt with in units 1 and 2 in 4th form Tunisian textbook.
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 71
8th form module 1 lesson 4
It is an attempt to deal with lesson 4 in one worksheet without relying too much on the student�s book or the student�s workbook.
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 30
language review 9th form
language review for 9th form. The paragraphs are adapted from contributions on ESL
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-16
Downloads: 123
language review unit one 4th formers
language tasks to sum up vocabulary and grammar focuses dealt with in the 4th form Tunisian textbook
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 78
end-of-term test 1 4th form science
a test for 4th formers in Tunisian secondary schools
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 68
end-of-term test 1 4th form arts
A test for 4th formers in Tunisian secondary schools
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 69
end-of-term test 1 3rd form
A test mainly about module 2 dealing with the theme of philanthropy
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-17
Downloads: 108
End-Of-Sememester test 1 4th fourth form
A test that deals with unit 1 and unit 2 in the Tunisian textbook for 4th form. The test is for Arts students
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 53
mid-semester test 2 7th form
A mid-semester test 2 for 7th form pupils in Tunisian schools
Level: elementary
Age: 11-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 147