English worksheets > contributions by bmcq
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Barbara McQueen
3 decades of mentoring fellow teachers one-on-one, through in-services, as an ESL teacher trainer for Oxford Seminars, and as a conference presenter for TESOL, the VWBPE, SLanguages, and MachinEVO. Currently developing and delivering immersive online ESL courses in the virtual world known as Second Life that make use of situational role-playing, games, mysteries, machinima, and special events.
Points: 1035
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Game Project
When it comes time for students to review everything we�ve learned in a semester in preparation for their final exam, I like to have them work in small groups to create review games. This is the handout I give them to guide them through the process. I find this task greatly improves the students� test scores since they have to do a lot of review ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 13
Subject/Verb Agreement Checkers
Grammar meets checkers. The students can only jump opponents� checkers if there is subject/verb agreement between the pieces involved in the jump. For example, a checker with "he" on it can jump a checker with "writes" on it, but not a checker with "write" on it. Students will have to pay close attention to any s�s they see.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 25
Idioms Literal and Figurative Meanings Matching Game
When students first hear an idiom, they may try to picture what the words literally say. But idioms are figurative expressions that do not mean what the students might suspect. When teaching idioms, it can, therefore, be quite instructive to have students draw two simple drawings for each idiom. First, they should draw what the words literally ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 22
Essay Guidelines 2
A list of the basic parts of the standard 5-paragraph essay with an example essay attached on the power and problems of media. Includes 5 possible introductions demonstrating the 5 types of introduction most commonly used: anecdotes, examples, questions, surprising facts/statistics, and expert testimony.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: article
Downloads: 37
Essay Guidelines 1
An essay about writing essays. Everything the essay recommends is demonstrated in the essay with the key points in red. Students need essay writing requirements spelled out like this and examples.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: article
Downloads: 37
A, An, and The Lesson
A simple lesson that would appeal to many types of learners on how to use a/an/the correctly. Has components for the verbal linguistic learner, the logical mathematical learner, the visual spatial learner, the musical rhythmic learner, the bodily kinesthetic learner, the intrapersonal learner, and the interpersonal learner. If you added a little ...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 20
Diagramming Practice with Lines
Decades ago we diagrammed sentences to help us understand their structure. Not all students like to do this, but mathematical-logical students love it (see Gardner�s 8 types of intelligence.) Diagramming is useful to show if we have complete or incomplete sentences, whether a given word in a sentence should be an adverb or an adjective, how prepo...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 6
Tact Headbands
Students roleplay a situation while wearing headbands that identify negative character traits. The other roleplayers must use tact while speaking about the character traits, and everyone tries to guess what their headbands said at the end of the activity.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 6
Grocery Store Conflict Cards
12 roleplay cards for issues that could arise related to shopping in a grocery store, plus a map of where to place students for the roleplays. Extra students can observe or become other customers in Cashier #2�s line or elsewhere in the store. If half the class is observing, have them take over the acting for a second run through of the scenes.
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 12
Restaurant Roleplay Cards
12 roleplay cards for issues that could arise related to restaurants, plus a map of where to place students for the roleplays. Give all the students their cards privately and circulate to answer any questions. Students should not show their cards to each other. Then have the students outside the restaurant start the roleplay. Once they have been...
Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 91