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English worksheets  > contributions by maritzanieto


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Online exercises


Zero Conditional
Hello again! Now, this is the 1st ppt out of a series of presentations I�m in the process of creating to practice the use of conditionals. This is only about Zero conditional and contains pictures and prompts so that your students practice the structure. It can serve for high elementary to intermedi...

Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 27

Talk for a minute
This is an activity that you may use with different levels and also you may choose to use it as a warm up or closing activity. I have been using it with all my adult students, from A1 to B1. You should add your own ideas, I had to remove some slides otherwise the system wouldn�t let me upload it. We...

Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 47

Talking about the past ft. the verb to be
Ok. I have created this presentation to reactivate the use of the verb to be in the past. My Spanish speaker students often find it confusing because they use it interchangeably with the past of the verb to go, which in Spanish are, Yo fui (I was) Yo fui (I went), the same. So, lots of pictures and ...

Level: elementary
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 18

Phrasal Verbs and expressions with look
This is a vocabulary presentation for my FCE in-company, individual adult students. I used to accompany unit 17 from Objective First textbook. It contains phrasal verbs and expressions with look, definitions and a related picture. In the last slide, you have my version of questions for students to, ...

Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 26

Grammar explanation especially designed to accompany UNIT 13 OBJECTIVE FIRST on reported speech for IN OFFICE instruction, that is to say: adults. Basically, it contains the structure and last slides have pictures and prompts to practice what you taught.

Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 40

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