Numbers 10-100 Madness
MADNESS SERIES 8th printable: Numbers 10-100. Label, match, connect, maze, colour, wordsearch, crossword, hidden message. 8 in 1 ! Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 589
Numbers 11-20 Madness
MADNESS SERIES 7th Printable: Numbers 11-20. Label, match, connect, colour, wordsearch, crossword, hidden message. 8 in 1 ! Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 575
Numbers 1-10 Madness
MADNESS SERIES 6th Printable: NUMBERS 1-10 Match, label, connect, colour, maze, wordsearch, crossword, hidden message.
8 in 1 ! Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 306
Colours Madness
MADNESS SERIES 5th printable: COLOURS ! Label, connect, colour, match, hidden message, maze, crossword, wordsearch. 8 in 1. Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 172
Shapes Madness
Madness Series 4th printable: SHAPES. Label, match, trace, colour, maze, wordsearch, crossword, hidden message. 8 mini-tasks to complete ! Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 200
Months & Seasons Madness
MADNESS SERIES third printable: MONTHS & SEASONS. 9 Mini-tasks. Match, label, colour, wordsearch, crossword, find the message. Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 205
Halloween Madness
MADNESS SERIES second printable: HALLOWEEN. 8 mini-tasks to complete. Match, connect, colour, follow the path, wordsearch, crossword and find the hidden message. Enjoy !
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 189
School Object Madness
School objects insane amount of mini-tasks ! Label, find, connect, wordsearch, crossword, puzzle, colour. It�s nearly impossible cramming more tasks into one worksheet. Enjoy ! If it sparks interest, I might make a series out of it with different themes.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 164
Halloween Matching (B&W included)
Matching exercise to complement the pictionary. Also look for the mini-tasks worksheet.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 83
Halloween Mini-Tasks
Halloween Mini-Tasks worksheet. Look for the pictionary & matching exercise worksheet.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 180