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English worksheets  > contributions by teacherlucre


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Points: 296


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Online exercises

Upper intermediate song work-The man who can�t move
Ask your students to listen to the song and try to order the first part of it. Then, ask them to complete the missing words in the second part. Once the listening activities are over, you can ask them � What does the man feel? How can you tell that? After that,using the repeated lines and the music, ask them to try to create their own lyrics a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2

Rango trailer
Using Rango trailer, you can have a little classroom discussion asking if they know what a Rango is in English, some of the students already know that it is the name of the character in the movie, but some others start trying to guess the meaning of the word. After the meaning of the word is clear, you can show them the movie trailer so that the s...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 14


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