Classroom objects and symbols Set (5) - Vocabulary you can hear in a Science Class
Students complete the pictionary with vocabulary related to science with the missing vowels. The worksheet can be used together with the flashcards I�ve uploaded today. Wish you a good evening. Hugs, mena:))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 270
Classroom objects and symbols Set (4) - Science Class Flashcards
After Maths class, a set of 16 flashcards to introduce vocabulary usually associated with a science class. It can be used individually or with the other two worksheets I�ll upload. Have a good evening. Hugs from windy Azores. mena:))
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 188
Classroom objects and symbols Set (2) - Vocabulary related to Mathematics
Students solve the crossword puzzle to find out how Tom feels about maths. You can use this activity individually or with the other 2 I�ve uploaded: flashcards - http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=322797#thetop pictionary: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=322019#thetop
Wish you all a good evening. Hugs, mena:))
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 378
Classroom objects and symbols Set (3) - Vocabulary associated with Mathematics
A set of 16 flahscards to learn vocabulary associated with Maths - objects and symbols. You can use it individually or with the two vocabulary worksheets I�ve uploaded. http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=322019#thetop
Thanks for your nice words on my work. Hugs, mena :)))
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 111
Verb Tenses - Basic Rules: Use and Form + Practice - The Present Perfect Tense
It�s been quite some time since I last made one of this series. I started with the Present Perfect because that�s what I needed right now but I intend to cover all verb tenses. As always, rules of use and form are presented in a simple way. Then we have 5 different exercises on use and form with different levels of difficulty. KEY Included. Have a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 630
Classroom objects and symbols Set (1) - Vocabulary related to Mathematics
This is the first of this set on classroom objects and symbols, subtopic Mathematics. Students fill in the gaps with the missing vowels to get to learn vocabulary associated with maths.
(3) http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=322803#thetop Wish you a good evening/ day! Hugs...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 262
Months of the Year Set (4) - BINGO cards
A nice way to motivate students to study vocabulary, in this case the months of the year. (1) Flashcards: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=315522#thetop and http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=315520#thetop (2)http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=316208#thetop (3) http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=316999...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 191
"Teens and New Technologies" - Reading comprehension for Upper Intermediate students
The other day someone asked what texts I had used before students wrote the opinion essay on new Technologies -http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=314964#thetop
This is one of them. Students read the text and do some reading comprehension exercises: Who says what, sentence completing, equivalents and references. Have a good evening, m...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2901
Months of the Year Set (3) - Crossword puzzle
Students solve the crossword puzzle with the months of the year to find out the name of an important celebratiion Lisa and Sean are going to celebrate in their school on January 18th - Martin Luther king�s Day. Flashcards: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=315522#thetop and http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=315520#thetop
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 642
Months of the Year Set (2) + Seasons: Completing the Pictionary with the missing vowels
A very easy vocabulary exercise for younger students to go with the flash cards on the same topic or individually. Wish you all a good evening. Flashcards: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=315522#thetop and
http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=315520#thetop Hugs, mena :))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 917