Ultimate Thanksgiving game (Part 2/5): Rules + 54 Thanksgiving cards (You need them to play the game!) + Counters. There are 162 game cards (completely new ones) altogether!!! 6 pages.
These are the rules and the set of red cards which you need to play with the Thanksgiving board game (the board game and the object cards are in other printables due to space limitations). Both the board game and the cards are completely editable, so if you don�t like anything you can change it easily. Tomorrow, you will have the last parts of the ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: others
Downloads: 89
Ultimate Thanksgiving game (Part 1/5): Board game I + Indian & Cornucopia counters. There are 162 game cards (completely new ones) altogether!!!
I have made up this time-consuming board game from scratch (it has taken me ten days this time to finish the whole set!!!) in order for you to play with your students. It consists of a completely editable board game (it is very eye-catching & well-defined although it looks a bit blurry here on display) full of Thanksgiving icons, blue and red cards...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: others
Downloads: 84
Ultimate Thanksgiving game (Part 3/5): Object cards (The Wampanoag, Squanto, the Mayflower, Plymouth, the Pilgrim Fathers� Each object provides a unique skill!!! ) + blue cards + Pilgrim counters + Squanto card. There are 162 new game cards!!!
The story of Thanksgiving is beautifully depicted through this game. Students will have not only lots of fun with this informative game, but they will also learn a lot about this deep-rooted US & Canadian festivity. They must brace themselves for the long and winding road which they�re about to hit with the help of the Wampanoag objects. With each ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: others
Downloads: 82
Guy Fawkes activities (Part 2/2): Very original wordsearch containing a hidden message!!! (22 words spread out through the worksheet) + Vocabulary exercise (words are split up in two parts).
This worksheet is my follow-up to my previous Guy Fakes reading. Students have to find 22 words which are scattered all through this worksheet. When they finish this search, they�ll be able to read a hidden message (�We wanted to restore Catholicism in Britain") by collecting the first remaining letters. Then, they have to form meaningful words th...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 79
Guy Fawkes (Part 1/2): Encrypted Reading + 3 exercises (vocabulary & comprehension). 2 pages!!!
Remember remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot... Here is my last activity related to Guy Fawkes. Firstly, students have to decipher the words which are represented by numbers and then, they must do the exercises to make sure that they understood what this festivity is about. I hope that you consider this set of activities ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 393
Ultimate set of Halloween activities: Spooky word search & scary definition exercise + 25 counters + 14 masks (Ultimate Halloween Game)
These two Halloween-related exercises will delight your students for sure. With these two activities, they will learn the vocabulary which they need to talk about this deep-rooted festivity. Besides, you�ve got a reading at your disposal, which I haven�t been able to include in the same file due to space restraints. I�ve also included more counters...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 180
Ultimate Halloween reading: Complete-the-gaps reading + Spider-man set (Ultimate Halloween Game)
This worksheet is intended to teach our students not only how Halloween first originated but also how English speaking countries celebrate it today. Students have to fill the gaps in with a suitable word from the bottom part of the text. I have also made up a spooky word search and a scary definition exercise, which are in a different worksheet owi...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 198
Set of 40 spooky Halloween cards (4 pages). Matching game.
Students will have lots of fun while playing this game. They only need to shuffle the cards and put them randomly (five rows with eight cards each for instance) facing downward on the table. They play in turns, one student picks a card and put it with the picture or word facing upward, then picks another card doing the same. If he/she succeeds in m...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 39
Lucky charms: Interesting reading on lucky charms + exercises (Key included)
This original worksheet on lucky charms is intended to develop the students� reading skills. I hope that you consider it useful. Have a nice day!!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 52
Portugal � um pa�s muito bonito (Portugal is a very beautiful country): Encrypted & Complete-the-gaps activities + Comprehension questions (2 pages)
With these worksheets your students will have the opportunity to get to know a bit more about this great country. Firstly, they have to decipher the words which are represented by numbers and then, they must complete the gaps with a suitable word from the green box to make meaningful sentences. This is my admiring tribute not only to Portugal and i...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 38