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English worksheets  > contributions by cook015


The author

Tim Cook

I teach English conversation and reading in a Japanese university.

Points: 20


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Online exercises

Talk Like a Commercial
This is a YouTube video of a commercial with the script attached. The commercial is for an American product, the Flowbee Haircutting System, that is the butt of many jokes, but the system, which looks ridiculous to those who haven�t used it, also has its committed fans. Students practice reading the script with their best dramatic commercial voice,...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 14


Price Is Right thru Online Shopping
PowerPoint slides of shopping items from store websites (e.g., Kmart, Lowe�s). These items correspond to All-Star Book 2, Unit 5, Lesson 1, but can be used independently of that. I have covered over the price for students to guess the price. Then on click, the price is revealed. On a second click, 1...

Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 6

Found 0 online exercises