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English worksheets  > contributions by holdenreklaw


The author


Hi! My name is Holden, I am an English teacher in Australia. Currently, I teach secondary school students (7th to 10th grade.) I teach English as a native/first language at the moment, but am interested in getting my TEFL certification in the next year as well. I have only been in my role for just over a year but love what I do and am excited to share!

Points: 71


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Online exercises

And Did Those Feet in Ancient Times (Jerusalem) by William Blake Reading and Analysis
This worksheet is a reading comprehension and analysis activity based on William Blake�s "And did those feet in ancient times" It encourages students to engage more deeply with the text and explore its themes. I was unable to provide an answer sheet but may add one in the future.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 12

The Tyger by William Blake Reading and Analysis
This worksheet has students read "The Tyger" a poem by British poet William Blake. The full poem is advanced, but a more intermediate-English explanation of the poem is provided. Students are given a range of analysis and comprehension questions on the poem. An answer sheet is provided for teachers.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 16

William Blake and The Printing Press
This is a reading, listening and comprehension activity about the British poet William Blake and his printing press. There is a video activity as well as an answer sheet provided!
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 19

Romanticism: The Industrial and The French Revolutions
This is the second part of my series on The Romantics. This one covers some historical context, including the Industrial and French Revolutions. This has both comprehension and writing activities, as well as European history content.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 16

Romanticism Introductory Worksheet
The first part of the worksheet I drafted for my Year 10s who were studying Romanticism last term. This worksheet discusses what Romanticism is and gets students thinking about some of its core themes.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 8


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Found 0 online exercises