Back of My hand (get to know your partner)
I designed this worksheet as an activity for the first class. There are 2 sheets, each with 10 questions each (one question is the same on both- an important one for the teacher to catch the answers to- also there is space for the students to come up with 3 of their own questions). First the students think of their own answers. This gives them time...
Level: advanced
Age: 16-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3
Planning a Company
This was originally designed to complement an area of the textbook where we studied about a company structure, then how to present about the company. To reinforce this, I had the class split into pairs and plan together the little details of their company. It�s a great communicative exercise and reinforces a lot of areas from talking about a compan...
Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 11
Let�s Discuss- winter
This worksheet is formed to build some vocabulary around Winter and stimulate some conversation either performed as a group or with a partner according to the teacher�s preference.
I usually go through each word first together to give students a chance to shine with their vocab skills and improve the amount of time the cloze activity will take....
Level: elementary
Age: 18-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 13
Roleplay- at the Travel Agency
This roleplay I designed as a review of three chapters in a textbook only used by my company. However I thought this could be used as a helpful simulation. You may choose to edit the document and add pictures from Google or your collection which I did but as I don�t own the copyright on them, I stripped the pictures for this site.
The targets a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: article
Downloads: 143
Let�s Discuss- Crime
Another of my cloze and discussion activities. This time I focused on some simple crime vocabulary- developed for a student moving to America soon- just to be safe a few crime words don�t hurt. Anyway that is the reason that there are less questions than usual. Feel free to edit out content/add questions as you like.
I usually conduct the lesson...
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 47
This is a simple game activity that I use sometimes in my class. It gives a student a chance to plan a story, tell the story, then listen to other stories and try to identify specific pieces of information. I think it is a great activity!
As I said have the students plan a story- they can use the suggested topics, but any story is okay. To reduc...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 15
Studying English- vocab and discussion
I used this for the first class of the term as a great way make discussing the goals and interests in study with the students fun. First pre-teach the vocabulary in the box, then fill in the blanks with the words. After launch into discussion. Fully editable if youy want to change up the questions.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 10
Summer Heat- vocab and discussion
This is an activity in 2 parts- first is a cloze exercise related to the topic of summer (of course you are free to change the vocab or the reading paragraph as you choose once downloaded). The vocab is picked to hopefully bring out some more discussion points- for example the heat wave that hit America and Canada recently. Finally students can dis...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 20
Let�s Discuss Disasters
I made this obviously with the recent earthquake in mind. Tried to generalize the cloze activity to give the activity a longer life. A good way to teach some timely vocabulary and lead a discussion on events. To avoid copyright conflicts I used a picture of my own of an empty toilet paper shelf at the supermarket, you may choose to replace it with ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 24
Let�s Discuss- Gambling
This activity is designed not as a full class activity but to provide some structure to conversation in Adult ESL classes. The first half is a cloze activity- giving you a chance to teach some vocabulary related to the topic of gambling then practice the vocab in the reading section. Followed is some discussion around the topic of gambling.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 6