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English worksheets  > contributions by goodnesses


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website Algeria

Teacher Of English as a Foreign Language.
From Algeria

Points: 10214


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Online exercises

Ethics In Business and Professions: Schools And Youth Misbehavior. (Author-Bouabdellah) 28-08-2009
Reading activities based on the theme of "Ethics and Morality in Business and Professions". This time it is dealing with another serious problem. That is "Scholars Unethical Behaviour".--The text is preceded by a Nbr. of illustrations as a warm up/speaking activity. --- Hope they will enjoy it.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 278

Ethics In Business and Professions: Education and Corruption. (Author-Bouabdellah) 11-08-2009
Reading activities based on the theme of "Ethics and Morality in Business and Professions". This time it is dealing with another serious problem in today�s world. That is "Corruption and bribery in Education".--There is an ONLINE version of this WS if you are interested --- Hope the SS will enjoy it.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 152

Ethics In Business: Child Labour. (Author-Bouabdellah) 05-08-2009
Description: Reading activities based on the theme of "Ethics and Morality in Business and Professions". This time it is dealing with one of the biggest curses in today�s world. That is "CHILD LABOUR".
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 268

Talking About The Past. The Olympic Games. (Author-Bouabdellah) 03-08-2009
Reading activities based on the theme of ancient civilizations. This time, it is about "Greece" and the "Olympic games". Students can read and listen to the text and do the tasks. The text is interactive with audio so that they can go forward and backwards repeating it as many time as they like. Hope they will enjoy it. THERE IS AN "ONLINE" VER...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 161

No Man Is An Island. Song - We Are The World / USA for Africa. (Author-Bouabdellah)
Speaking, reading and listening WS based on the famous song "We Are The World" to improve the SS English knowledge but more importantly to teach them such universal values as charity, solidarity, help and support to the people in need all over the world. Hope you�ll find it useful and interesting. Regards
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 331

Make Peace - FriendShip - Song - That Is What Friends Are For. (Author - Bouabdelleh)
This is a listening lesson based on the famous song "That�s What Friends Are For" By Stevie Wonder and Friends. It about friendship one of the basis towards peace on Earth. Since peace starts by and from each individual and his immediate environment. The link to the video song is included. So, enjoy and improve you English.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 76

Make Peace. Non-Violence. Dr Matin Luther King Jr. (Author-Bouabdellah)
A listening and conversation WS about peace, non-violence and anti-disrimation, Including Dr. Martins Luther King�s famous speech "I Have A Dream" with listening task and other activities for conversation and speaking...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 508

Budding Scientist. The Earth. (Author-Bouabdellah)
Learn English Though Science. Listening Activities about the planet Earth including a funny song and a video presentation to learn about our home planet Earth. Enjoy!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 89

Waste Not, Want Not. Photosynthesis. (Author-Bouabdellah)
Learning English through science. Funny lesson about one of the most important natural processes to life. Includes a funny song and activities and a simple presentation with some activities too Enjoy!!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 128

Budding Scientist. The Significance of Science in Society. (Author-Bouabdellah)
Science plays a major role in society. However, even non-scientists can appreciate scientific progress. Because of science, human understanding of the past, present, and future is constantly in a state ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 252


The Muslim science and scientist throughout history. (Author-Bouabdellah)
In the ninth century the Muslims became the chief standard-bearers of science and philosophy. The golden age of Muslim science lasted for about two centuries, from 900 AD to 1100 AD. The world owes a great depth of gratitude to

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 38

Non-Violence. (Author-Bouabdellah)
PPT about the topic of "Peace" and "Non-Violence" that can be used as warm-up or speaking activity.

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 59

Make Peace: The UNO (Author: Bouabdellah
Text exploitation Theme: Make Peace Topic: The UNO

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

Ethics In Business and Professions: Schools And Youth Misbehavior. (Author-Bouabdellah) 26-08-2009
Reading/Listening activities based on the theme of "Ethics and Morality in Business and Professions". This time it is dealing with another serious problem. That is "Scholars Unethical Behavior".--The text preceeded by a Nbr. of slides for warm up is interactive ie. the SS can browse the slides forwa...

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

Ethics In Business and Professions: Education and Corruption. (Author-Bouabdellah) 10-08-2009
Reading/Listening activities based on the theme of "Ethics and Morality in Business and Professions". This time it is dealing with another serious problem in today�s world. That is "Corruption and bribery in Education".--Te text preceeded by a Nbr. of slides for warm up is interactive ie. the SS can...

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

Ethics In Business: Child Labour. (Author-Bouabdellah) 05-08-2009
Listening/Reading activities based on the theme of Ethics and Morality in business and professions. This time it is dealing with one of the biggest curses in the world. That is "CHILD LABOUR". The text is interactive with audio so that they can go forward and backwards repeating it as many time as ...

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

Talking About The Past. The Olympic Games. (Author-Bouabdellah) 29-07-2009
Reading / listening activities based on the theme of ancient civilizations. This time, it is about "Greece" and the "Olympic games". Students can read and listen to the text and do the tasks. The text is interactive with audio so that they can go forward and backwards repeating it as many time as th...

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

Talking About The Past. Ancient Egypt. (Author-Bouabdellah) 24-07-2009
A reading / listening activity base on the theme of ancient civilizations. This time, it is about the daily life in "Ancient Egypt" Students can read and listen to the text and do the tasks. The text is interactive with audio so that they can go forward and backwards repeating it as many time as the...

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

The Muslim science and scientists throughout history. Version 2 (Author-Bouabdellah) 20-07-2009
This is a new version of a previous OE. In this version SS can "read" and "listen" to the text while having an eye on the task. There is a guided writing activity aided by an interactive animated presentation on the simple principles of paragraph writing. This OE was made so as to limit the SS�s "sc...

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

Talking About The Past. Ancient Civilization. The Phoenicians (Author-Bouabdellah)
An ONLINE worksheet based on the theme of "Ancient Civilization". "The Phoenicians". Including several activities about reading, grammar, pronouciation... finishing with a writing activity using a video narration about another great civilization "The Aztecs"...

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

No Man Is An Island. -Song- We Are The World-USA for Africa. (Author-Bouabdellah)
Another great song to improve your SS English but more importantly to teach them some of the universal moral valuse such as charity, solidarity brotherhood and humainty...

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100

Make Peace. Song - Will You Be There. by Michael Jackson. (Author-Bouabdellah)
Enjoy this beautiful song from the great Artist Michael Jackson and improve your English knowledge.

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100