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ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans,  activities, etc.
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English worksheets  > contributions by Telita011


The author



Points: 242


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Online exercises

The Family
this is a lesson plan of 80 minute to develop in class
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 13

The Family
these drawings explain the members of the family. =)
Level: elementary
Age: 4-17
Type: others
Downloads: 33

Parts of the body
these are sequences of activities..!
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 7

Imperative Moods
I hope you can enjoy this lesson plan...it is very useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 7

simple pictures to color them for kids
Level: elementary
Age: 4-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 10

Mini test Numbers
minitest about numbers for 1st grade
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3

feelings and emotions test

Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 14

this printable is about the numbers from 1 to 10. I hope you can enjoy it..!
Level: elementary
Age: 3-10
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 20

Modal Verbs
this is a brief description about the uses of modal verbs
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: grammar-guide
Downloads: 21

Everyday Greetings
It is a brief explanation of everyday greetings..!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: others
Downloads: 9


my favourite sportman
this is a powerpoint where I describe as an explame my favourite sportman reciclying tenses and verbs

Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 5

Jane Austen
This is a brief description about the life of a great writer Jane Austen

Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 52

Found 0 online exercises