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English worksheets  > contributions by nique6161


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Monique Tapaj�s

Points: 1760


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They�ve found a fossil.
Let�s talk about recent and current discoveries in order to learn the use of the PRESENT PERFECT AND SIMPLE PAST TENSE as well as the proper use of time expressions in each case.

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

Coral Reefs are important marine habitats
This exercise practices the use of NON-RESTRICTIVE-RELATIVE CLAUSES (which/who). The grammar rule is completed by the learner based on some examples given.(inductive approach) Thus the target language is presented as students learn about marine life.

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

When did it happen?
The exercise talks about historical events and uses the past simple to introduce the use of prepositions and time expressions that describe a point of time or a period of time.

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

The exercise talks about events and practices the use of prepositions, Wh- questions, and ordinal numbers in a communicative way.

Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Hobbies and Interests
This exercise practices the use of simple present tense as well as Wh-questions and How often-questions to talk about hobbies and interests using a communicative approach.

Level: elementary
Age: 11-14

This exercise presents basic rules to form the plural of nouns and practices chaqnging sentences to the plural, including verb forms.

Level: elementary
Age: 3-100

It practices making comparisons using "as ... (not)as" with adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

Enviromental Matters
This exercise is meant to practice the use of connectors such as although, even though, in spite of, despite, becuase (of), as a result of, due to, (in order) to, so (that),and instead of.

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100

What were you doing when the blizzard hit?
The purpose of this exercise is to practice the use of past continuous and simple past in a communicative way. It also contains vocabulary related to natural disasters and extreme weather.

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

You could ask for help
This exercise is meant to practice asking for and receiving advice. There�s a chart illustrating the use of the target language to guide students. For that matter students will learn the use of the modals:(SHOULD/COULD/WOULD) and the use of phrases to make suggestions:(Why don�t you try...? Have yo...

Level: Choose
Age: 12-100