Harry Potter Nouns and Adjectives
Made this for my Harry Potter summer camp- just a simple exercise to review nouns and adjectives.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 6
Punishment Worksheet
This is to give to children who have been naughty. The students trace the alphabet, write each line three times, and have it signed by the parents. Simply change the name on the last line to personalize it.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 1
Intro to Valentine�s Day
I did Winter Holiday Camp, and introduced most of the holidays we celebrate in the USA. Here��s St. Valentine��s Day. More to follow!
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: reading
Downloads: 7
There�s a Hole in the Bucket Song
This is a twist on the original "hole in the bucket" song. The lyrics are simplified and modernized for ESL learners.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-10
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 3
Lily Allen 22 Lyrics and Discussion Questions
I love this song, so I�m showing the music video to my teacher class. We�ll use it as a springboard to a discussion of the perception of women after they hit a certain must-be-married age, something very important in Korean culture.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 7
American (Mostly) Music Stars
With descriptions and quotes from Billy Joel, Madonna, AC/DC, Journey and Bon Jovi, I made this worksheet to introduce Western music to my Korean students. It includes some grammar-related questions, since I was trying to teach them basic grammar at the time.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Type: reading
Downloads: 14
Intro to Saint Patrick�s Day
I did Winter Holiday Camp, and introduced most of the holidays we celebrate in the USA. Here�s St. Patrick�s Day. More to follow!
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: reading
Downloads: 6
Mittens the Ambitious Kitten
I wrote this silly, fun poem because I was inspired by this picture. This poem is about a cat who decides to go to Florida to become an astronaut. It has a grammar and activity extension.
Level: intermediate
Age: 7-14
Type: reading
Downloads: 0