Film Mrs Doubtfire ( part 4)
Hre�s the last part of the film "Mrs Doubtfire" with the job interview. Useful when you�re doing job interviews.
Have fun and Merry Christmas
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 22
Game battleship plus exercises
Here is a game to practise "have got" , the alphabet and figures for beginners. There are also exercises with "have got". Enjoy
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4
The intern video part 1
Hi everyone,
Here is the first part of the film "Yhe Intern". Suitable for people who do busness English or the TOEIC.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 26
Listening: Food banks
Hi everyone,
Here�s a listening exercise from BBC6min about food banks. Ideal if you talk about food and the lack of it.
Thanks for downloading!
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 15
New Year guessing game
Here�s a guessing game for various levels ( you only have to choose the appropriate vocabulary) concerning the New Year. Hope you�ll like it.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 16
Beat writers poem by Ginsberg
This is another worksheet for students of music. A poem by one of the Beat Writers plus an activity.
Thanks for downloading!
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 7
Film : Mrs Doubtfire part1
Here�s the first part of the film Mrs Doubtfire. Key is provided. Enjoy!
Level: advanced
Age: 18-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 26
The intern video part 2
Hi again,
And here�s the second part.
Have fun!!
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 41
My summer placement abroad
This is an updated worksheet concerning placements. Ideal fro students who did a summer placement abroad and have to talk about it.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5
St Valentine�day - dating with Mr Bean - video
Here�s a worksheet for adults . It�s a video with Mr Bean - 1st dating! You can find it easily on Youtube. If not link is included.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 33