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English worksheets  > contributions by helen ce


The author

helen ce
Helen Cenic
United Kingdom

Points: 145


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Online exercises

Old Age
This is a worksheet designed to encourage discussion around the topic of old age. It is aimed students with a good upper intermediate to advanced level of English preferably over 16. Students are encouraged to think of the issues surrounding old age and can compare the attitudes of both old and young. Great link to stages of life and use of wish /t...
Level: advanced
Age: 16-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 22

Phrasal verbs with TAKE
There are two worksheets to practise six phrasal verbs with take. The first worksheet is a matching exercise where students need to complete the phrasal verb with the missing particle by reading the definitions and examples. This sheet could be used as a dictionary activity. The students need to look up each of the verbs to check their answers. ...
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 27


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