My Easter minibook
An English boy writes about the way he spends Easter. So it is a reading comprehension with comprehension questions about the text and the blue questions are addressed to the reader to compare with his/her own traditions.
A match of easter pictures and words activity.
A recipe of hot cross buns and a colour in activity to enjoy.
Thank you Dedic...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 123
My classroom rules poster
Classroom rules presented in a poster to pin up the classroom walls.Have used some cliparts from a minibook I made on the same topic . Those cliparts were lent to me by frenchfrog.
I am sending another one on classroom don�ts
Hope you like it. I enjoyed making it.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: others
Downloads: 94
Teenagers� problems: Love or frienship?
This ws will allow you to work on a theme dear to adolescents. This is a letter written by a teenager to a teenage magazine for advice on love and friendship.Grammatically speaking the students will work on Advice structures). After reading the letter, students must write their advice to the girl (should, HAD Better ..) and after this personalwrit...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 227
A birthday minibook. ( a multi activity ws to practise the simple past)
Text right way up on the 2nd page of the ws.
A reading comprehension using the simple past .
The comprehension is guided by some easy activities( look up the irregular verbs used in the text/, answer yes/no questions to introduce some vocabulary. Match sentences and pictures.))
In the text itself, they have to fill in the blanks with the approp...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 197
The little fir tree�s christmas dress.
A beautiful Christmas fairy tale that I have adapted and illustrated: A little fir tree dreams of a beautiful dress for Christmas ...
Reading or listening comprehension with anticipating questions and comprehension questions ( both on page 5)
Hope you enjoy it.Mariethe .
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 44
Classroom rules ( don�ts) poster
Classroom rules( DON�T s) presented in a poster to pin up the classroom walls.Have used some cliparts from a minibook I made on the same topic . Those cliparts were lent to me by frenchfrog.
I am sending another one on classroom DO�s
Hope you like it. I enjoyed making it.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: others
Downloads: 111
how well do you know your friends? daily routine / simple present
A read /speak/write activity on daily routine in the form of a guessing game:
A read /speak ansd write activity on daily routine in a game form. First associate each question with the picture
Game: 1.Your friend goes out of the room .Answer the questions about him/her . 1. Your friend comes back in and you ask him/her the questions...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 16
A day in London : Reading comp Based on simple past
An imaginative reading comprehension about a teenager in A day in London with penfriend. Use of simple past / lLondon monuments "Imaginative reading comprehension worksheet that makes reading (and writing) FUN. It is possible to use this ws as a starting point for conversation or discussion as well."( cf:PhilipR) Ps text taken from: New spring 4�m...
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 99
My valentine day minibook n�2
Multiple activity Valentine minibook:1. Vocabulary matching exercise 2. A short easy text about traditions with comprehension questions. 3.A link to a valentine�s craft page:how to make a heart treat holder ( easy)4. Word search 5. Idea of a valentine�s party game and to finish , 2 easy poems to write back in the correct order.
Thank you again De...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 197
Your experience of Great Britain ( a survey) Use of present perfect+ already/never /ever
Stuart ,an english boy is interviewed about his experience of Britain...
This is a survey, a pretext to practise the Present perfect orally :pupils comment about Stuart�s knowledge of his own country :
he has already been to... He has never ....
it is followed by a written activity where students write a survey about their own country.TWIST AG...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 17