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English worksheets  > contributions by mena22


The author

Filomena Semi�o

Hi! I joined this site 16 months ago and I m loving it! I m not easily impressed, but I ve seen such good (and beautiful!!!) work here. What impresses me most though is the companionship,the friendliness I can see here everyday and, ultimately, this great sense of belonging to a very, very special group. Thank you Victor! Thank you all for that! :))*

Points: 653522


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Online exercises

"Chile Up Close - A one-year exhange student�s report" - 2 Versions of the same Reading Test for mixed ability classes
This is the reading test my 10th graders did today. I took the text from an old exam and created my own exercises (3 pages). Verson A: True/False exercise quoting from the text to justify all answers; sentence completing; answering questions; finding references and equivalents. Version B: The same with some adaptations to make exercises easier. Ins...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 463

Writing series - (1) - Writing about oneself: Personal information, school subjects, hobbies and future careers for upper elementary and Lower Intermediate students
Students complete first a paragraph with information from a fact file and then they complete another one, this time less guided. Finally they complete a fact file about themselves and then write the paragraph. They present it to the class. Have a Wonderful weekend! Hugs, mena:)))))
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2838

"Reported Speech" IV - Statements with Conditional Sentences
Like no.3, this worksheet is for higher intermediate or advanced students.The focus is on reporting Conditional sentences (Types 1, 2 and 3). Simple, basic rules are presented and students start by solving a multiple choice exercise followed by a matching in which they have to identify the rule applied. Then they report some statements, justifyin...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 275

"Reviewing some Basic Grammar Points" (7th in the series) - Focus on Clauses: Time, Purpose, Result, Reason and Contrast for Upper Intermediate and Lower Advanced Students
This is a worksheet I�ve just finished to use tomorrow with my adult evening students, but I made it suitable for any Intermediate or Lower advanced students, no matter their age. (2 Pages + KEY included. Different types of exercises with different levels of complexity in which students practise some of the most important words, conjuctions that ma...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 576

Verb To Be - Simple Present (all forms)
I�ve created this worksheet for my low achievers. Context: Personal information about a Formula One racing driver, Wolfgang "Schumacher". Four different exercises with different levels of complexity, but all very simple. 1- affirmative form: a small text about the character to fill in with am, is or are; 2- short negative answers plus justificatio...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 722

Possessive Determiners and Pronouns
Students complete sentences using Possessives. Key included in case you need a transparency. :)))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 147

Asking for specific information Series (4) - Speaking + Writing for elementary students
2 PAGES) In this document there is a worksheet for Student A and another one for Student B. They ask questions (different from worksheet 3) to each other to complete the fact file and then they fill in the bubbles. In the 2nd exercise, after asking the questions to their partners to complete the fact file, students write a short paragraph with the ...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 352

So do I/ Neither do I
A grammar formative worksheet on the structure So/neither/nor + auxiliary + subject. Two versions - the same content but different order to avoid cheating. Hope you find it useful. With Key included!:))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 271

Extensive Reading - My Reading Habits - Quiz (Lesson no. 1 - optional)
This is the quiz for the first lesson in case you want to do it with your students. If you do it, you�ll need 5 lessons for the whole Task instead of 4. This quiz can be done with any other short story! Hope you like it! :)))) By the way, I�ve uploaded a table to be filled in throughout the task but unfortunately it was already one minute after 10...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 247

The USA Quiz
The 9th in the series of English-speaking countries. KEY included. Kids find out how much they know about the United States. The questions are about general, easy facts. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, mena:)))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 988


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