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English worksheets  > contributions by spinney


The author

United Kingdom

I�m a Brit living in Spain teaching English because that�s all I could find over here. I like it though. I also upload my worksheets on ISL Collective, normally a day or two after I have done so here. br You can order my books by pasting this into the browser: https://www.amazon.es/Dale-Bates/e/B08QD5M5PQ?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1613573760&sr=8-1

Points: 29567


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Online exercises

Homophone Fun 4
A short worksheet on homophones and heterographs. For students higher than upper intermediate, get them to cover up the vocabulary box below. There is also a snap card game to help consolidate. The answers are on the back.
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
Downloads: 34


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