World cloud: me and what I like (films and series, genres, activities, characters descriptions)
activities, school subjects, films and series genres, favorite characters, describing series, genre and characters
All can be amended
To me this is a test. They can add pictures and make a poster
Level: elementary
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 9
South Africa Wordsearch
there�s another worksheet to complete the lesson plan: South Africa: quizz and questions
This worksheet is a worserch, to help student remember words and spelling.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-15
Downloads: 9
Inside the house: Kitchen
A worksheet where students have to match the words with the pictures of the furniture. You can also cut the sheet in halves and do pair work where students compare the furniture in the two kitchens(the table is bigger, the clock is different, the fridge is yellow and not grey etc...)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 34
5 families card game
This set includes the last card set WITH the family names at the top (red, orange, purple, blue and green)and contains 5 more families: yellow, pink, grey, brown, black.
Card games. divide class in small groups, cut cards and give five to each student: they need to ask in turn for the card they want "father, red family" for example, to one other...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 73
Reported speech cards - class activity
Instructions also in the document (page 2)
everything can be edited - for example one of the cards mentions mam tom, a traditional Vietnamese sauce: I don�t think students from outside of Vietnam would know that... Well I hope not anyway, because it�s terrible :) :) :)
Give a card to each student: each will read their statement out loud. The st...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 90
family fun - beginner to elementary. 3 pages
Very simple family vocabulary, the students have to study a family tree and complete words in bubble of comics shape. 3 pages. FUN.
All can be amended if you wish. My students enjoyed it.
have fun.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-12
Downloads: 13
In the house - furniture and objects WORDSEARCH
following my �inside the house� worksheet, I made this word search.
find the name of each element (furniture or object) and then find them in the wordsearch
key included
Thanks! :)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 98
Irregular verbs - level 1
Irregular verbs exercices - simple, elementary level.
I also have an "irregular verbs list" with a similar design.
Thank you!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 52
Christmas Carol - Tale by Dickens - text simplified and questions - 3 pages
Written comprehension, vocabulary, questions, writing exercise at the end (very simple writing)
All can be amended to suit your needs. Enjoy!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 36
A Christmas Carol
Summary of the famous story for elementary - Pre intermediate students with illustrations from the Disney�s movie.
Vocabulary and questions at the end. You can easily add vocabulary words or remove.
3 pages.
There is a much simpler version in my worksheets called "Christmas Carol"
Thanks :) Merry Christmas!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 69