Review of "To Have" With Princess Diana and Her Legacy Part 2 of 3, One Page Plus Answer Key
I have noticed my adults have some problems with the formation of the verb to have, particularly the interrogative, which they confuse with the present perfect, so I�ve made this set as a review for them. Sorry, I had to split it into 3 parts as the file was too heavy. This second part contains a reading with blanks to fill in about Diana�s legacy ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 154
I Spy...
I usually take my classes outside for a walk when we do this worksheet, but if that is not an option you could always get your students to walk round your class or school. With the very little ones I just get them to point at something and say, for example, "Red flower," and then draw a picture in the appropriate row. With the older ones I usually ...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-9
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5
Prepositions of Place Board Game
Designed to be used with: Where is the...? Where are the...s? but could also be used with: There is a... There are ...s (in front of the window etc.). Enjoy.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 110
Have got Verb Table
I don�t actually teach this form to my students, but on request the next in the verb tables series: have got. Hope some of you find it useful. Have a great Thursday. Julia
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Type: grammar-guide
Downloads: 72
Pronunciation of Final "s" - /s/ or /z/
I designed this worksheet to help my students know when to use the /s/ sound and when to use the /z/ sound when an "s" comes at the end of plural nouns and third-person singular verbs. I hope your students will find it hlepful, too.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 71
Origins of Food Part 2/2
Interesting facts you never knew about food origins part 2 of 2. Second half of the reading comprehension with verbs to put in the correct form, then TF and QA. With answer key. 2 Pages.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 74
Have Verb Interrogative, Yes No Questions and Short Answers for Youger Learners. With Key.
Many thanks to martinasvabova once again for such a lovely maze template. First students draw lines to connect personal pronouns with either do/don�t or does/doesn�t. Then they match the words to the objects and do the maze to find out who has what. On the second page they make short questions and answers based on the picture prompts. Hope it will ...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 166
Phonics Mini Book 17. Long Vowel Sounds: ai, ee, ea, oa, ue Happy Holidays
It�s taking too long to teach each of these sounds separately, so I�m trying something new and teaching them together, hence the need for a new mini book. Thank you DedicatedTeacher for the lovely template. As always the first page is full color, second mainly grayscale, and you can read the story without having to crank your neck on the third page...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: reading
Downloads: 101
Introduction to Long Adjectives & Irregular Adjectives + Key
This is the follow up to the worksheet on short adjectives. Students are introduced to the rule for long adjectives and the irregular adjectives. Then they match the adjectives to the pictures. Finally they write the adjective-comparative-superlative combinations in the correct boxes (color-coded). Have a wonderful Friday and weekend. Hugs, Julia.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 234
Whose... (s) is/are this/that/these/those? It�s/They�re (mine).
Students read a short, illustrated grammar point, focusing on the differences that occur in the singular and plural forms and when the objects being talked about are near/far. They then do the maze activity to discover what belongs to who, and using this information complete the questions and answers below. Key is included. Have a great Friday and ...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 206