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English worksheets  > contributions by mena22


The author

Filomena Semi�o

Hi! I joined this site 16 months ago and I m loving it! I m not easily impressed, but I ve seen such good (and beautiful!!!) work here. What impresses me most though is the companionship,the friendliness I can see here everyday and, ultimately, this great sense of belonging to a very, very special group. Thank you Victor! Thank you all for that! :))*

Points: 652740


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Online exercises

St. Patrick�s Day Set (2) - Reading Comprehension
This is the second ws on the set (2 Pages). Students read the text and do several reading tasks: multiple choice, answering questions, finding equivalents and opposites. As a pre-reading activity you can use the quiz on the same topic: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=382666#thetop Once again, thanks for your wonderful comments. I real...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 1361

"Who does What, Where and How Often?" - a fun speaking activity for Upper Elementary and Lower Intermediate students
This is the same game I uploaded the other day, I just changed the sentences to contextualize with the Simple Present Tense (http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=224766#thetop).Have a nice day/ evening. Hugs, mena :)))
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 464

An Interview with Alice, the bus driver - writing activity for elementary and lower intermediate students (A2)
This writing activity can be used after reading the text about Alice - http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=367808#thetop - or individually. Students complete the interview with wh-questions and one or two yes/no questions. They have some wh-words in a bubble to help them. When they finish, they should practise to roleplay the dialogue. I...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 422

A Terrible Holiday - Listening Comprehension
This is the listening test I did for A2 level students on the topic "Holidays" - KEY INCLUDED. 3 different exercises with different levels of complexity Identifying what the situation is, who says what, and multiple choice. As always, I�ll send the audiofiles for those of you who leave a thank you note and I already have the emails. The others sho...
Level: elementary
Age: 11-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 419

Dialogues series - Wh- Questions for Upper Elementary and Intermediate Students
Another of my dialogues series.:))) Students ask questions using the wh-words given in the bubble. Then they roleplay the dialogue. Black & White Version Included + KEY. Have a nice Day/evening! Hugs, mena :))
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 523

My favourite hobbies; Simple Present - Asking Questions
Simple Present with a more communicative approach. Kids ask each other what they do in their free time. Students read the dialogues and write the appropriate questions. Then they rolepalay the dialogues with their partners. KEY INCLUDED. Have a nice weekend. Hugs, mena:))))
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 409

Jobs and Occupations Set - 16 Bingo Cards (all different)
Playing Bingo is a good way to check if kids know the vocabulary associated with a topic, in this case jobs and occupations. 16 different cards included plus list of jobs - 16 which are distinctive elements, meaning that there is only one,and about 30 other jobs which appear in several cards (all of them, except 1, appear in the 2 worksheets I�ve u...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 694

How do the British spend their free time? - Reading
A reading comprehension worksheet on the topic "Leisure Time"/ "Hobbies". 2 Pages. KEY INCLUDED. After reading the text, students do 4 different exercises with an increasing level of complexity: multiple choice,finding evidence, sentence completing and finding references. Wish you all a wonderful weekend. Hugs, mena:))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 905

Writing Series (20) - My Routine on Saturdays - 2nd lesson of 45 minutes on the topic for Upper Elementary and Lower Intermediate stds
This is no. 20 of this writing series. It can be used as a follow up to the reading activity on the same topic that I uploaded today. Students complete a paragraph describing someone�s routine, according to the information given in the fact file. Then they complete another paragraph in a less guided way and, finally, they complete the fact file an...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 628

What�s your name? - mini dialogues
Kids match the questions to the answers (name/surname/ spelling the surname)and then they complete a similar dialogue and act it out with their partner. They build up a similar dialogue and, finally, they do the same, this time about them and their partner. Have a nice week! Hugs, mena:)))
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 892


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