Phrasal Verbs Worksheet (New English File Intermediate)
This worksheet aims to help students to review the phrasal verbs in the first three units of New English File Intermediate (3rd edition). Hope you�ll find it useful!
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 20
Numbers Worksheet
This worksheet is very suitable for the young learners especially who is learning how to write. The tracing activity will help your students to practice writing. Also, they will practice the numbers and some vocabulary items.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 29
Numbers Flashcards
These flashcards are very suitable for the young learners. Numbers are illustrated through colorful pictures so it will draw your students� attention. You can use them to teach the numbers and new vocabulary items to your students. Also, you can decorate your classroom with them :)
Level: elementary
Age: 4-8
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 38
�Find your housemate� speaking activity
In this activity, your students are supposed to imagine that they are in a foreign country and looking for a housemate or accommodation. Cut out the announcements and stick them on the wall in the classroom. Your students will read the announcements and find the best housemate or house for themselves. Then, they will talk about why they choose that...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 12
Classroom Objects Memory Cards
It�s time to back to school!! :) Here, a memory game cards about classroom objects for your young learners. You can divide the class into groups and give each set of cards to each group or you can have a circle time to play it as a whole class. Hope you have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 4-6
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 53
The worksheet is for jobs. It includes pictures so students will love it. All they have to do is match the jobs with the pictures.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5
Classroom Rules Flashcards
Here I want to share with you flashcards for classroom rules especially to use with young learners. The pictures are black and white. You can divide your class into groups and give each flashcard to each group. They will love to color the pictures and also, they�ll feel that they make the rules together. Then, you can hang them on the walls or play...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-6
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 72
The Gingerbread Man
Your students will have a chance to learn and revise the colors, numbers, body parts, and shapes. They�ll also enjoy while they are drawing their own Gingerbread man.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 47
Classroom Objects Memory Game Cards - 2
It�s time to back to school!! :) Here, a different version of memory game cards about classroom objects for your young learners. You can divide the class into groups and give each set of cards to each group or you can have a circle time to play it as a whole class. Hope you have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 4-6
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 35
Fruits Memory Game Cards
It�s time to back to school!! :) Here, a memory game cards about delicious fruits for your young learners. You can divide the class into groups and give each set of cards to each group or you can have a circle time to play it as a whole class. Hope you have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 4-6
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 52