Crypid creatures and Monsters!!
Review what the man has said in his testamony. Then ask students if they have ever seen a creature that nobody thinks is real. Then lay the cards out in front of the students and have them create a story as to how they saw the creature that is on the card. Fun fun for all. Others listen and have them ask questions about the experence.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 1
Simple Math vocabulary-decimals, fractions, and measurements
This can be for students who are interested in science and accurate mearuerments. The math problem part is good for everybody, as well as the fractions. I have students go throug the list and prounounce the numbers, fractions, measurements etc... It�s good for everybody! (Page divided in two sheets to save paper)
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 48
Drawing describing sharing activity
Students take 5minutes and draw what they have on the card on a scrap piece of paper. Then, they take turns sharing the drawings. The students listening to the descriptions must ask a collective total of 3 questions to the sharer. It can be done once, or twice in the class. Three times gets booorringg.. -D
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 6
IQ Test for All Ages.
Students have 10mis to complete the test. Then the students read the answers and explain how they got it. they will need to expalin it to some other students if they don-t understand very well. Not everybody will get all the answers, so it naturally creates teaching opourtunities for the students to help their fellow students!
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 52
Turist and a Local: Fun German Facts
On the sheet there are facts about germany. In this lesson, the teacher and the student, or the 2 students, or even max 3 students will read a fact. Then they will take turns role playing as a turist to Germany, or a German local. The turist will ask the german about the wierd fact. For example: FACT: Germans work on Saturdays. TURIST: "Hello, hi, ...
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 10
December 21st END OF THE WORLD
If you have a group, cut out the theories and have them take one. They must adopt the theory to be their own, and try to convince the other students it�s going to happen. They should provide details and the other students should ask them questions about it. You could even go back and forth trying to convince eachother if you just have one student.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: others
Downloads: 129
Slogans and advertizments, US and global.
The list on the left are all American ads. Have the students deduce what the product could be, and the other things that could be involved in their ad campaign. Now looking at them as an ESL teacher, some are very geniously made! Here�s the answers:
1. Wheeties
2. Chick-fil-a (a southern KFC style restaurant)
3. Kay Jewlers
4. Met Life life i...
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Type: others
Downloads: 48